
While this appears to be pure fluff on the surface

Minnesota Governor and 2024 Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz has built a reputation as a bit of a foodie, or maybe just someone who enjoys food of varying qualities. After all, he’s not always eating the most refined foods — he’s declared his love for diet Mountain Dew, corn dogs, and Minneapolis’ signature cheese-filled burger,the Juicy Lucy. He’s even won the Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hotdish Off multiple years for his truly Midwestern tater tot casserole. This love of deliciously decadent foods definitely gives him points for relatability, while his universal free lunch program for Minnesota kids poises him as an executive who believes everyone (especially children) has the right to eat regardless of income.

At the end of August 2024, the display of Governor Walz’s gastronomic delights continued as he was shown on his YouTube channel ordering a mint chocolate chip shake at Cook Out in North Carolina. Led by North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, this was Walz’s first trip to the southern fast food chain. When asked what he thought of the shake, he replied, “It’s really good.” Maybe not the most glowing review, but he did appear to enjoy it, at least. (“Oh, my god,” he said in delight as he continued eating.)

…it it is no less incisive than the rest of the MSM coverage Governor Klink has gotten so far.

5 thoughts on “Coverage

  1. Watching Walz flop on the National Stage while watching national outlets dig up things that even I didn’t know already as a very plugged in MN GOP Delegate and Activist has been fantastic. As you say Mitch, the MN Media doesn’t do the MN DFL any favors when their politicians try to move up onto the national stage. Heck, even MN Republicans have tended to flop when they go next door to Iowa…
    The School Lunch Program continues to annoy me greatly. I’ve got 2 girls in grade school, and while I technically benefit from the school lunch program, it’s miniscule. Sure, it saved my wife from filling out an hours worth of state application paperwork that may or may not be accepted; some years we qualified for “free” school lunch, and others we didn’t. It depended on my overtime the previous year or whether or not my wife was employed or not. The other issue is that most days my girls rarely want to eat the scheduled lunch, so they “brown bag it” anyways. Yes, one of my kids is a picky eater, so that explains that one, but the other one will try just about anything, and likes a wider array of foods than I do. She was practically offered a job a 8 years old by a local sushi chef after she chowed down on anything he put in front of her and asked for more. We still check in with Bambu Kitchen about once a year to make sure that offer is valid for when she’s officially old enough to work. And even she takes a lunch of home 3-4 days a week. So I’m stuck paying for their “free” lunch with my state and local taxes, and I’m also paying for their actual lunch out of pocket.
    And the part that really “grinds my gears” and is rarely brought up is Gov. Klink’s justification for the program. He claimed;
    It was too embarrassing for the free lunch kids to pull out their free lunch card in front of their peers.
    WTF!?!? Yes, kids are a$$holes. They will make fun of each other over anything and everything. Hell, I was bullied mercilessly in grade school, and my teachers did little to stop it. They can’t be everywhere, even though with the various paras in the school my kids have 2-3 more adults in their class rooms than I ever did when I was their age. I’m going full grumpy old man here, but it built my personal character. I’m even on friendly terms with most of the bullies from my youth. They largely grew out of it. I can guarantee that that low income kid that would’ve had a special card but for the governor’s waste of money, is still being bullied just as much. The difference is that the bullies aren’t mentioned his free lunch card, but they’re still making fun of his clothes, his haircut, his shoes, etc. It’s another collection of millions wasted for no actual benefit.

  2. Smith, I responded to a comment you made on an earlier thread concerning the assassination attempt. I’d like to learn your thoughts.

  3. I have questions for Tim Jong Walz:

    First few; You had 24 kids in your class and teachers did little to stop the bullying? Was it just you? Could that be because you deserved it? Didn’t you learn from that experience that you shouldn’t be a bully?
    Second; the people that used to bully you have largely changed? Does that mean they became DemoCommies?

  4. I ate the school lunch for 12 years in elementary, middle, and high school, and I don’t remember ever noticing that another kids’ lunch card was for the free lunch. I definitely don’t remember anyone ever being made fun of for it, and I’m sure that some of my friends who lived in the trailer park and such were getting those meals.

    In my view, what the free lunch/breakfast does is that it infantilizes parents, who no longer have to take care of feeding their own children–and then their children will follow the same pattern. We are going to reap H*ll for this.

  5. John,
    I just posted my response. It’s not my “tightest” writing, but it’s a comment thread.

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