“This Is MAGA Country!”

“Klan” leaflet with “German”-style type appearing “according to a pastor” in Springfield Ohio:

“Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope?”

Berg’s 20th Law governs:

All incidents of “hate speech” not captured on video (involving being delivered by someone proven not to be a ringer) shall be assumed to be hoaxes until proven otherwise.

Now, let’s take bets on how long it takes for the story to come out as a hoax. 

Closest without going over?

(And that German-style font?   Isn’t it just amazing how “white supremacists” are mouth-breathing cretins who also love to slip in sly historical illusions via graphic presentation?

4 thoughts on ““This Is MAGA Country!”

  1. Sure looks like a trap. I found that similar flyers have been posted various places in and around KY since at least last year.

    As such, I’m uncertain why those behind these flyers haven’t been exposed seeing as how they give their address and phone.

  2. Oh, no, I’m sure it’s legit. A local pastor said so. A pastor wouldn’t lie.

    I’m so certain it’s true that I’m going to send that Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. In fact, several of them. One each for all the people I think should join: Tim Walz, Peggy Flanagan, Tina Smith, Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, and most of my neighbors (but not Betty McCollum because that’s too obviously a fake as she’s been dead for years and her on-line presence curated by the newest intern in the DNC, kind of a hazing ritual, scut work for the FNG).

    Then I’m going to send photos of the SASEs to every major media outlet, claiming to be an insider whistleblower who knows they are all subscribers.

    That’s how confident I am that it’s legit.

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