School’s Out

During Covid, I spent a lot of time driving between Minnesota and North Dakota.

And I listened to both governors’ press conferences, back when those were a daily or weekly thing – in one case, back to back, Walz and Burgum.  And the contrast could not have been more stark: listening to Walz felt like I was back in elementary school, with a history teacher who was really more of a football coach talking, slowly, like he thought you were as dumb as one of the jocks on his offensive line.  Burgum, on the other hand, sounded like he knew he was addressing not just adults, but people he had to treat with some basic adult respect.

And after seeing this…

…it’s all starting to make sense to me.

Side note:  a joint press conference with Kamala Harris and Gwen Walz would drive the suicide rate into double digits.

4 thoughts on “School’s Out

  1. Watching her speak reminds me of when I joined the diving team, but was not allowed to participate in a meet because I was pretty bad. Coach didn’t want me to be humiliated because my gymnastic sensibilities were just not there. In the same way, shouldn’t the wives of vice presidential candidates get that much consideration?

    And I’d like to turn the page on Biden. Just sayin’.

  2. The worst part? These drooling sycophants don’t even realize that their intelligence is being insulted.

  3. Nothing wrong with speaking in simple, declarative sentences. The delivery could be better but that’s a matter of style. I just wish the substance was better. I’d love to see a politician give this interview:

    Q: What is your view of ideal American foreign policy?

    A: Peace, friendship and honest commerce with all, entangling alliances with none.

    Q: What about Ukraine?

    A: Not our circus, not our monkeys.

    Q: What about genocide in Palestine?

    A: Also not our circus, nor are NATO, SEATO, Hong Kong or the Middle East.

    Q: What is your view of immigration?

    A: We should accept immigrants who will benefit the nation – engineers, scientists, doctors – while turning away all others.

    Q: What about refugees?

    A: We should turn them away lest they become permanent immigrants who have nothing to contribute.

    Q: Sounds like you’re a heartless bastard who doesn’t care about the rest of the world as long as his little corner of it remains safe and prosperous.

    A: You say that like it’s a bad thing.

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