A Hard Conversation

SCENE:  Mitch BERG is shopping at the Roseville Cub.  The one on Larpenteur, not the one at Har Mar.   He rounds the end-cap in the condiment aisle, and sees Avery LIBRELLE, Cat SCAT and Gutterball GARY.  Before he can backtrack, they notice him.

SCAT:  Hey, Merg.

BERG:  Uh…

GARY. We need to talk about voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

LIBRELLE:  Yes.  It’s time for a conversation. 

BERG:  A “conversation”.

SCAT:  Yes. 

BERG. OK.  But it’ll be a short “conversation”.   Harris and Walz are communists.  They’ll wreck the economy, trash civil liberties, throw the borders open thus crushing working Americans incomes, and give dictators from Putin to Xi to Khamenei free reign, while presiding over a “Lose Slowly” policy not only for the country, but for all of western civilization.


GARY:  OK.   You’ll need to change your mind, or this conversation will get “hard”.

(The three look menacingly at BERG).

BERG:  (Breaks out laughing, snorts in derision, walks away).

SCAT:  I think we got to him.



4 thoughts on “A Hard Conversation

  1. Hard Conversation = (Mao’s) Struggle Session Lite
    this is the beginning, expect a more robust approach after Harris/Walz are installed on Jan 20th

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.16.24 : The Other McCain

  3. Mitch, I’m getting that right now. I live in WI, so I’m getting tons of election spam from both sides. The visit from a Democrat canvasser this weekend was a first, though. I’m pretty far out in the country and *nobody* comes to the door in normal circumstances. The conversation went roughly like this.

    Dem: I’m with the Democratic party and I’m looking for X, Y, or Z.
    Me: I’m X. Look, I don’t you want to waste your time, but none of us will be voting Democrat this year.
    Dem: Do you always vote Republican?
    Me: No, not always. But I’ve lost all respect for the Democrats, who have lost belief in the First Amendment, democracy, and individual liberty.
    Dem: What?! No! We …
    Me: (interrupting) Your presidential candidate stated that all online conversations need to “supervised” by the government. You guys kicked Bernie and RFK Jr out of the primaries, and you just installed someone who’s never gotten a vote in towards the presidency as nominee. You want to take my guns, outlaw my truck, and change my stove. Shall I go on why I won’t vote Democrat?
    Dem: Well. Ok, I guess I’ll be going.
    Me: Have a good rest of the day.

    Something in his look told me it wasn’t the first time that day he’d been shut down. But it was kind of strange sending a scrawny citified person in skinny jeans out into the country; the dude plainly didn’t fit in. The Democrats must be getting worried things will go outside the margin of cheating.

  4. Nerd,
    I’m reminded of a Rick Nolan lit piece from a couple of years ago. He was trying to keep the old school gun owning DFLers from defecting so he put out a lit piece with a nicely staged photo. It contained;
    1) A couple of Iron Rangers in hunting garb,
    2) Rick holding an AR pointed skyward with his finger on the trigger inside the guard, &
    3) An obviously Metrocrat staffer than may have already shat himself being so close to a scary black rifle.

    3 of the 4 individuals hadn’t yet realized that the DFL they grew up with was well and truly already dead.

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