The Terrorists, Communists, Nazis And King George III Won

There are two kinds of people in the world: people who look at statements like this and think:

And, moreover


“WHAT?  Government doesn’t have a plan for me?  Ehrmuhgerd what will I do?


“Well, good.  That’s why my ancestors came to America; so we could have our own plan and not worry about government’s “plan” for us.

Am I the only one that finds this more than a lot creepy?

Big Left’s greatest achievement may have been convincing a plurality of Americans tthat “freedom” means satiety and freedom from material want in exchange for, y’know, freedom.

9 thoughts on “The Terrorists, Communists, Nazis And King George III Won

  1. Perhaps it’s just in another video, but I didn’t see any enunciation of the Ditz’s plan nor Wally’s. Or should we go with the Springfield, OH example? Or Somalis in Faribault? Or Venezuelans in El Paso (don’t miss the comments)?

  2. I just read this on Red State, Walz Goes Into Hyperdrive of Weirdness With Wild Gesticulations and Chants About Cats which looks to reference the same video location as above.

    I don’t know what they did to vet people; I know they didn’t have a lot of time. But they surely messed up when it comes to Tim Walz. There seems to be a never-ending bounty of damaging stories about Walz, including stolen valor, which rightly sets people on edge.

    Our Timmy.

  3. Well, he committed a serious gaffe yesterday while campaigning in Michigan. The said his “favorite story was Kamala starting out as a young “prostitutor”. Now that l reflect on the statement, it’s possible that it was a Freudian slip. He stumbled on his words as he kept blabbering, because he probably realized that he screwed up. My best friend used to have a saying, “Don’t let your Cadillac mouth override your Model T ass.” It applies here.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.13.24 : The Other McCain

  5. JDM, I linked to the meme because Libertarians are the ultimate in having a government but not having a government plan to take care of you as Walz desires. They are the opposite of Obama’s cradle-to-grave plan for you (and make no mistake, 2024 is his fourth term).

    I’m not really comfortable with the Libertarians – took their “light board” test at the State Fair once and got all but two correct – because as much as I think cops tend to be uniformed thugs who will do whatever the people holding their pensions tell them to do, they’re still OUR uniformed thugs and the only thing standing between us and actual thugs jacking cars, shooting up light rail stops, and taking over apartment buildings. Barely. For now.

    And because Libertarians tend to be optimists about how things will work after the uniformed thugs lose official standing to become just another armed gang with nicer clothing. I suspect society without some level of coercive government power to compel obedience will be less like the peaceful Garden of Eden contemplated by Locke and Rousseau and more the savage wilderness described by Hobbes.

  6. Mr Jones, while I agree that [lL]ibertarians have a strong anti-government (well, anti-too-much-government) message, as advocates of that message they are contemptible utter failures. When the DemoCommies took away their *other* trademark policy position and “legalized” pot, that should’ve given them the incentive to focus on reducing the size and intrusiveness of government, but they were apparently too busy getting high to care.

  7. JDM, I agree and heartily endorse Our Gracious Host’s book, Trulbert, available on Amazon.

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