
Amongf the Kamala Harris lies that ABC at the debates was the idea that “crime is down”:

It means you have a functioning BS detector. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which measures Americans interactions with crimes not reported to the cops, unlike the FBI report Muir was flogging.

And it’s not good:

Overall, the NCVS indicate that in 2023, the rate of nonfatal violent victimization in the United States was 22.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older, which was similar to the 2022 rate of 23.5 violent victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older. Violent victimization includes rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault.

Ironically, the NCVS had lower numbers for violent victimizations for 2020 and 2021, despite the widespread perception that crime got significantly worse during the pandemic. In 2018 the figure was 23.8, in 2019 it was 21, it was 16.4 in 2020 — remember, lots of people were stuck at home, and fewer people on the street means less street crime — and in 2021 it was 16.5.


And a look at the Minneapolis crime dashboard, counting only crimes reported to the cops, is also a little instructive: as of today,

  • homicide, larceny and robbery are up from last year
  • Assault and sex offenses are up above the 3 year average (and that counts 2021, one of the worst years on record)
  • Vandalism and domestic assault are up over both last year and the average. 

One of the things that always drew me to blogging was the notion of having a voice to shoot back (figuratively) at Big Media’s stultifying echo chamber. 

I had no idea, 22 years on, that we’d be this busy at it.

8 thoughts on “Functional

  1. “One man’s crime is another man’s ordinary way of life. Back home, that’s how everybody did it. It was normal. It was expected. Nothing to be ashamed of.” Said no immigrant out loud, ever, but that’s what they were thinking.

    Somalia – daycare fraud, feeding our children fraud.
    Haiti – eating geese and cats
    Venezuela – armed gangs taking over apartment buildings
    Muslims – genital mutilation for schoolgirls

    There’s a notion that when people from other cultures step foot on American soil, they suddenly become American for all purposes and instantly love baseball, apple pie and pickup trucks. Vox Day derides it as The Magic Dirt theory and it’s plainly wrong as recent events show, at home and abroad. It might be even worse in Europe, as this stunning article details:

    It’s hard to know for certain who has it worse – America or Europe – as American law enforcement and media have largely agreed to lie about the numbers to avoid giving offense to the perpetrators.

    But people accustomed to living as savages don’t suddenly become civilized, just because they cleared customs. For crying out loud, doesn’t anybody remember the Star Trek alternate universe episode? The civilized crew instantly spotted the uncivilized crew because they didn’t know how to act in a civilized society. Americans are waking up to the same reality around us today.

    Immigration is not the problem. It’s assimilation. It takes time for immigrants to be assimilated into the culture, to learn the language, to learn the new ways, which is why before 1965 America limited inflow to those who would benefit America (doctors, scientists) and took them from similar cultures (Northern European) which were easier to assimilate. We need to regain that sanity.

    Stop all immigration.
    Refuse to accept any refugees from anywhere.
    Send back all “temporary” migrants.
    Deport all illegal aliens.
    Finish The Wall.
    Enforce immigration law against employers.

    And we can revisit the issue in 25 years or so, to see how things are going.

  2. I believe it takes at least three generations to change a culture. Americans had to occupy Germany long enough for the Nazis who participated in the war to die off, and for their children (raised in that culture) to lose power, so their their grandchildren could be trusted to run their nation speaking accepting our values. It hasn’t been completely successful. Britain did “nation building” better in India and Bermuda. Rome did it better still across most of Europe. Notice it took them a LOT longer to relinquish The White Man’s Burden.

    How long have people been trying to change our culture? Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and now Gen Z. We know our grandkids don’t see the world as our grandparents did. So the question becomes what are they trying to change us into?

  3. which is why before 1965 America limited inflow to those who would benefit America

    In other words, that was the tipping point to when Racism™, slowly but surely, became a crime. Well, except towards white people.

  4. One interesting difficulty with crime rates is that if you don’t actually investigate and prosecute crimes, people start rightly assuming that it won’t be dealt with, and they don’t report them. Thus the crime rate goes down.

    So probably the best indicator of the overall crime rate is the murder rate, because dead bodies are harder to argue around.

    That said, overall what I’m seeing is that places I used to go, where I felt safe, have a “feel” of being noticeably degraded these days, especially in big cities run by Democrats. Those same big cities drive the overall crime rate, and many of those same big cities–Baltimore, Chicago, Minneapolis–are among those where a war is being waged on the police. So I’d guess there’s a bit of “ice under the waterline” in a lot of places, and that the real crime rate is higher than DOJ statistics by a significant margin.

    Maybe you could get at the results by looking at insurance filings in cities or some such thing. I do know my auto insurance went up a LOT this year despite my not changing out cars at all.

  5. jdm.
    As I believe I’ve mentioned in this forum before, I found the paperwork from my grandparents immigration from Italy, to America in May of 1921.

    They were given a short physical examination by a physician. They passed.
    There was a questionnaire that the immigration officer completed, that included the following questions.
    1. Do you have money to live on?
    2. What is your profession?
    3. Where are you going?
    4. Do you have a place to live when you get there?
    Every non citizen entering the country should be interrogated.

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