Let Them East Avocado Toast

Minneapolis has a crime problem. 

Even some Democrat-voting locals appear to be on the ragged brink of figuring it out:

Nothing is being done about it?


Minneapolis DFL leaders are posting photos of people biking, and sunsets!

Who are you going to believe?  Your lying eyes?

9 thoughts on “Let Them East Avocado Toast

  1. Dude is a hard core leftist, but can’t understand how the agenda he supports can possibly result in the inevitable outcomes they are now experiencing.

    Another data point in the thesis: “a people always gets the government it deserves”.

  2. He strikes me as the type who would ride his bicycle through the slush in February, splitting traffic when he’s not hogging the traffic lane, holding up everybody trying to get home after work, proudly signaling his virtue but not his turns.

    Probably a vegan, too.

  3. I know many of the small business owners in rising crime areas of MSP are immigrant owners and people of color. They are speaking out, closing, moving. And while all of the DFL claims to support businesses owned by POC, these ‘leaders’ can’t do the minimum it takes to improve the safety of businesses and the people who want to support the businesses, even when the DFL has total control of city and state governments. They have no one to blame but themselves. But, honestly, I don’t think they care anyway.

  4. Well, the Minneapolis City Clowncil, is doing their best to run all of the businesses that remain, out of the city. Along with the mostly Somali residents of Phillips neighborhood and that little jerk Jason Chavez, the city, in league with the corrupt MPCA, Smith Foundry shut down last month putting 55 people out of work. This included some men, I think there were eight, with criminal records that were actually getting their lives back together. Even more sad is that they all walked to work. 7-Sigma, also got tired of the vandalism during and after the riots and lies from the Clowncil, they left the city, too.
    I can believe the stupidity that these restaurant owners and workers have been affected with to still be voting for those turds, especially after the WuFlu shut downs.

  5. Boss,
    If people are going to the trouble to leave California because of they’re systemic issues but continuing to vote Democrat in their new homes in Red States like Texas and Florida, and Colorado and Arizona before that, no one should be surprised that the people that stay in Blue Enclaves continue to vote Blue.

  6. Smith, that puts me in mind of William F. Buckley’s plea for 10,000 good men and true, to move to New Hampshire and vote conservative, to flip that state in the electoral college.

    It’s happening both ways. I know that Joe Doakes, no longer in Como Park, has joined the Silver Minnesotans Brigade, relocating to Florida to reinforce conservatism there, as have lots of high-income former Minnesotans who took to heart former governor Mark Dayton’s admonition to leave if they didn’t want to live in Little Somalia.

    The Great Reshuffling is being made easier by Facetime and Southwest Airlines. When I was a kid, my grandma moved to Sun City Arizona and we never saw her again. In the Route 66 era before interstate freeways, people didn’t travel home at the drop of a hat. If Mom wanted to call Grandma on the telephone, she had to wait until after 10:00 pm “when the rates were on.” Nowadays, the grandkids chat with Grandma at will – sound and video for free – and can visit in person for a couple of hundred dollars.

    When the Baby Boomers finally settle down in their retirement locations, the electoral map will change. Hard to say where Democrats will need the most cheating to win, after that.

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