Debate Review

Harris didn’t do as badly as she could have.

Trump didn’t do as well as he should have.

Both told howlers that got their opponents exercised.

The moderators were awful.

Nothing will change.

I predict there will be no second debate. 


8 thoughts on “Debate Review

  1. no second debate – don’t need it

    and my phone traffic is an indicator the results of the private polls taken between now and 9/28 will give the Democrats a precise idea how many completed ballots per precinct need to be preprinted for the win

    the election is in the bag as they say.

  2. I don´t know why anyone watches the so-called debates.

    There is no debate, as such, in the traditional debate team sense. No new info about policy comes up. There’s no exchange of ideas (a la Lincoln-Douglas debates). The entire shindig is rhetorical and bad rhetoric at that. The notion that the ability to govern well should be based on the exchange of snarky remarks and well-known and already disproven lies is disgraceful.

    I understand that Taylor Swift has just come out for the Ditz as a single cat woman or something snarky. There are people in this society who are qualified to vote who are just fine with that recommendation. Anyone who makes their decision about who to vote for from a debate is just as stupid as those who base their decision on some (musical) celebrity’s recommendation.

  3. Harris called for a second Debate so she can call Trump a chicken for refusing. I agree with the idea that Trump should immediately agree to a Debate on Fox, which Harris will not do. Unfortunately, I think Trump has already publicly agreed to an NBC Debate, so all Harris needs to do is sign up for that one.

    And Trump went after EVERY BLEEPING BAIT they dangled in front of him. If you’re going to go into the Lion’s Den and face off 3 to 1, you absolutely need to bring your A Game, which Trump didn’t do.

  4. JDM,
    The one useful thing a Debate shows is a candidates ability to remain focused and disciplined. In that regard, it’s useful for a Primary when you can pick between candidates who’s policy differences are relatively marginal. When it comes to a General Election and the differences are so vast, it’s useless. And anyone that votes for a General Election candidate based on personality and not policy really shouldn’t be involved at that point.

  5. Agree with most of the above. I watched late at night after other plans that I had, so did not watch the entire debate as I decided early on that there wasn’t anything going on.. But, yes, too much snark and no substance. It wasn’t a surprise that Trump went after all the bait. That’s who he is and we all know that by now- we’ve seen him plenty of times. There is no need for a second debate. It will be more of the same.

  6. I’d like to see a debate between Presidential candidates. I participated debates in many over the years. None of them bore any resemblance to the current silliness.

    I’d prefer to hear Trump say “I’m not going to participate in another 3-on-1 gang tackle. There’s no place in a debate for the moderators to editorialize or fact check to help either side. The moderators should announce the topic and keep track of the time, that’s it. We get the question, she answers, I answer, she rebuts, I rebut, we move on to the next question. Anything else is a partisan farce and I won’t dignify it with my presence.”

    He won’t, of course, but he should.

  7. The scowling facial expressions by the Coconut were horrendous. The only polling so far shows that Trump gained some support (CNN).

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