
During the heyday of blogging, in the late 2000s, two of the big guidelines were “update predictably” and “give people reasons to keep coming back”. 

Where those two guidelines converged was this blog’s publication schedule. 

In 2007, I did some research, and discovered that something like half of this blog’s traffic hit before betwen 5AM and 9AM – and 80% had visited by 1PM. 

So I developed the habit of having stuff rolling out a 6, and sometimes 5 and 7, AM, and then a follow-up around 11ish, to catch the lunch-time crowd. 

And that’s been the rhythm of this blog since George W Bush was president.

Another constant on this blog, since 2006?   I’ve run it on WordPress. 

Unfortunately, WordPress keeps making “improvements”.

One of those seems to have broken the ability to schedule posts reliably; the past few days, posts I’ve scheduled for 6AM have not rolled out; I’ve needed to push them myself, after I noticed there was a problem – at, like, 8AM. 

So until that’s fixed, I’m tempted to just start running all my posts manually in the morning, since the day job’s demands get pretty sticky during the middle of the day. 

I’ll revert to the mean as soon as WordPress takes out the improvements. 

One thought on “Habits

  1. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.10.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

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