
It may be a symptom of how complete the “Great Sort” has been – but the safer a Democrat is, the more comfortable they feel “saying the quiet part out loud”, as the kids say these days:

By the way, Governor Newsom:  No.  Denied. 

Now what?

Now, Warnock feeling safe? Well, he is, for another couple years anyway:

On the other hand…:

Anyway – if you are a Democrat, you need to make absolutely certain your candidates accept nothing less than completely confiscation, publicly, and immediately.

4 thoughts on “Pretense

  1. Ban scary looking rifles for civilians?

    He does realize that Police, FBI, DOJ, IRS etc. aren’t military…and are, therefore, civilians…right?

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.12.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  3. I sure hope that the voters in Georgia see this butt wipe for the lying fraud that he is. Black Democrat sycophants seem to forget that their party and it’s version of brown shirts, the K K K, tried to prevent them from having guns to protect themselves.

  4. The Founders explained in the Declaration of Independence that the people of a country should not change their government lightly but when it becomes oppressive ” . . . it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government . . . .”

    How will they do that, if the government has all the weapons and the ordinary people have none? They’ll be easy prey for despots and tyrants to oppress. The Founders who wrote the Constitution weren’t idiots. They knew from bitter experience in the Revolutionary War and the failures of the Articles of Confederation that the new Constitution needed to make absolutely certain the federal government was strictly contained and limited to a very few, very specific functions, mostly having to do with smoothing relations between the states and foreign nations.

    In the past, gun rights advocates chose to emphasize hunting and personal self defense because those were the less confrontational, less frightening bases to justify gun ownership. Only a few academics (and one Supreme Court Justice) mused that civilian ownership of military weapons might be protected up to man-portable shoulder-launched ground-to-air missiles. Take that, F-15 Boy.

    The closer Kamala gets to taking away our weapons, the more likely it becomes that we will need them. Which is sad, because I never wanted my grandkids to grow up on a war-torn former republic, neighbor against neighbor. That won’t bring anybody any joy.

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