1. I’m thinking she’s blissfully unaware that without the “cis” crowd, the alphabet crowd wouldn’t exist at all, and that several people at the party, including the parents, were tempted to do more to her than just kick her out. Might have done her a world of good to get a nice shiner for suggesting the mutilation of a precious baby. At the very least, I hope they burned the alphabet onesie.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.06.24 : The Other McCain

  3. Oh I know this type and avoid like the plague they are. Sometimes it’s difficult because friends of friends thing etc… I am respectful but if they bring shit up, I will engage them.

  4. She probably didn’t put a gift receipt in with the onesie either. Can’t let the parents return and exchange it for something they actually approve of.

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