Komissar Ellison

This past week, Brazil’s “supreme court” ordered a shutdown of “X” (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk declined to participate in a sham court proceeding. 

The justice said the platform will stay suspended until it complies with his orders, and also set a daily fine of 50,000 reais ($8,900) for people or companies using VPNs to access it.

OK – so you say “banana repubics gonna banana republic”.   They got themselves a socialist PM, so it’s to be expected.

Yes, indeed; banana republics gonna banana republic:


“Thanks, Brazil”.

In a just world, this would be a disqualifier for further service as an “Attorney General”, as actual lawyer and state rep Harry Niska points out:

Now, Niska’s not new at this – he knows most Twin Cities media only supports their free speech. But rules are rules.

Speaking of which – Ellison is certainly trashing the spirit of Minnesota law, if not the actual letter::

Tack this onto Governor Klink’s clear ambivalence about free speech, and the Twin Cities news media’s trite juvenility about doing its putative duty to democracy…:

…and it’s hard to know which is the bigger banana republic, Brazil or Minnesota.

2 thoughts on “Komissar Ellison

  1. Yesterday, a clip from the MN shirt ban case Hearing at SCOTUS was in my Facebook memories. The clip is a couple of minutes of whomever represented Minnesota getting destroyed by a couple of Justices posing hypothetical shirts and “our” advocate struggling to present a coherent argument that could pass as objective while actually being a partisan crackdown. Whatever his name is tried to claim that a person could be barred from wearing a shirt that merely had the text of the Second Amendment because that amendment is “controversial,” while simultaneously saying that a shirt that says “Parkland Strong” would be okay in Minnesota because Parkland isn’t IN Minnesota, so it’s not a political statement here. The follow-up was asking about a shirt with the First Amendment’s text, which would apparently be okay because everyone supports the First Amendment.
    So it’s okay guys, those Liberals aren’t akt-chtually authoritarians that support censorship because they say they support freedom of speech. It’s times like this that I like to quote The Princess Bride;
    “My name is…” Sorry, not that one.
    “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya

  2. Well, Ellison joins fellow lawyer Kamala Harris with that view, as well as Joseph Robinette Biden and others who have used the power of the state to infringe on free speech–not to mention hundreds of university administrators. (thousands?) I guess he thinks that’s normal and is now forgetting about the 1st Amendment like he does about the second.

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