The Minnesota Prototype

Kamala Harris’s campaign has been hiding her and Governor Walz from unscripted public view for over a month.  They’re content to led the media do their mythmaking for them, and so are able to slop the trough with an endless stream of chanting points.  

Look familiar?

If you live in Minnesota, it sure should.

My theory – Democrats in Minnesota have figured out that you don’t really need candidates; you need figureheads; moderate-ish looking people who serve as social media conduits for chanting points.  Mark Dayton was one – he barely poked his nose out of his office fior eight years.  He was irrelevant; Ken Martin and Tina Smith did all the thinking. 

Walz is a little more active – in a social media sense.   He’s no less opaque than Dayton was, but is a more bald-faced conduit for the state’s non-profit/industrial complex.   He’s nothing but a stream of Tweets about the State Fair and “full bellies”.  

And it worked. 

And Democrats are trying the same thing nationwide; take an empty skirt, wrap it in platitudes and social media imagery, and blow enough “joy” up peoples pant legs to move enough numbers into the “D” column.  

Forget “forever chemicals” – this  system may be Minnesota’s most toxic export.  

6 thoughts on “The Minnesota Prototype

  1. The nice thing about the system is not having to spend money showing living candidates to the public, renting halls, buying lunches, etc., after they get elected the first time. From there on, it’s easy sledding.

    Take Betty McCollum, for example. I lived in St. Paul more than 20 years. Never saw her in person. Saw social media put out by a DNC intern, puff pieces in the paper, ads of some actress on television but never a live body. I suspect she died of Covid but the Democrats can’t be bothered to print up new ballots and letterhead for a safe seat so they just pretend she’s in a committee meeting and everyone else plays along.

    Similarly, I suspect Joe Biden actually died during that emergency rush flight back home, but admitting it would cause panic so his body double actor goes to the beach and everyone else plays along.

    Little Timmy Walz had a safe seat in Congress but now that he’s running for Veep, he has to go out in public and it’s a disaster. That’s because Walz is like that younger brother who won’t leave you and your friends alone, always wants to be part the group but has nothing to contribute and is annoying besides. So you give him some meaningless make-work “You guard the living room while we go listen to records in my bedroom” and he’s thrilled to be practically one of the In Crowd. Even now that he’s all grown up, it’s “Hey Tim, how about you get a corn dog at the State Fair while we stay in the office to talk to these people. Naw, you don’t need to be here, it’s just boring strategy and finance stuff, you go have fun.” And he’s thrilled thinking he’s about to be part of the In Crowd again.

  2. Oh for crying out loud, moderation over that?

    I mentioned a State Fair food on a stick, a corn CANINE, and got flagged.

    This is why artificial intelligence is so frightening. It’s literal and thoughtless. You said The Word, you die, simple as that.

  3. They are practicing the strategy that Nancy Piglosi used when they rammed Obamacare through. “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”. That’s what Obama is insisting on with Kommissar Kamala. Don’t put policies out and don’t put anything in writing, so you can backtrack track later by stating, “I never said that” or “that isn’t my policy”. Once the election is over, if she wins, they will flood the airwaves with her dictatorial and fascistic agenda.

  4. John,
    The last time I saw Betty McCollum on TV she was the “victim” of a live, man on the street interview Nin’s Coffee Cafe by one of the local channels probably 10 years ago now. The fact that it happened was hilarious. The reporter had no clue he just shoved a microphone in a congresswoman’s face and asked her a question. I really wish I could remember what the question was.

  5. Little Timmy Walz had a safe seat in Congress

    Is this true? CD1 is not as conservative as I might like, but it is pretty conservative. Wally’s lies, as we’ve seen, are pretty leaky and I would think his continued reelection was not assured.

    As governor, however, he can disdainfully ignore all those rocks and cows people and focus solely on the metro numbskulls who don’t care about his lies and make up the majority of votes in this state. And do so in perpetuity.

  6. Walz’s seat is more safe statewide than in district 1, IMO. He might have pulled it out vs. Hagedorn a few years back, but not anymore. The sad thing, IMO, is that nobody seemed to call him on his Communism in those earlier elections. Nobody thought to look up some of those connections?

    Regarding Ramaswamy, I think he’s half right. Yes, it’s a Democratic/bureaucratic system that doesn’t really want to give too many specifics, but they do have implicit policies that they use to get votes–a great example being how they are using abortion as a club to get the votes of the promiscuous, more or less. There are only so many ballots you can stuff in a box, and beyond that, you’ve still got to get at least 95% of what you need in the honest way. Well, honest except for the demagoguery, I guess.

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