The DFL Dictionary: A New Entry

It’s high time we updated the “DFL Dictionary” – which, as you read it, is clearly a product of a more innocent time.

When I do, one phrase I’m going to add is the “Urban Life Theme Park”.

To wit:

Urban Life Theme Park: (noun) A neighborhood, populated mostly by white middle-class “white “progressives” with Urban Progressive Privilege, mostly from the “laptop class” (non-profit, governmental, academic or petty professional) and their “fur babies” (but, signally, not the people who work at their restaurants, bars, coffee shops brunch places, pet spas and doggie daycares). Technically in the city for purposes of urban virtue-signaling (especially trying to one-up people from suburbs or rural areas), but economically and socially insulated from all but the most banal urban issues.

Example: this guy:

I can smell a 2025 edition of the DFL Dictionary brewing.

4 thoughts on “The DFL Dictionary: A New Entry

  1. I have very little to no idea what this post is about. My condolences of this topic and these people are negatively affecting your life.

  2. I’m happy I got laid off from a downtown Minneapolis job. No more wondering what kind of nutcase is outside of the heavily patroled corporate campus. Like the drugged out guy getting naked and dancing in the street when my building had a fire drill last year.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.30.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  4. I have not really been to Uptown since St Floyd. I used to practically live over there right outta high school into my 20s and even 30s. That corner would be bustling with life any night of the week. DEMOCRATS did this. But nobody holds them responsible. Sickening.

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