Far Be It From Me To Question A “Scientist”

To:  Amanda Taylor, Candidate for the Missouri House
From:  Mitch Berg, Peasant

Ms. Taylor,

Your bio claims you’re both a biochemist and running for the Missouri House 

Last week, you dropped an “Ack-Shyu-Ally” bomb on someone:

So,  question for Ms. Taylor:

Let’s ignore for a moment that Karyotypes aren’t, themselves, “sexes”, rather than medical conditions that don’t actually kill a fetus. 

Let’s say for purposes of argument that there are six actual first-class sexes. 

How many of those six sexes are precipitated by the subject’s emotional attitude, psychological condition or fervent belief?

Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter.

That is all.

4 thoughts on “Far Be It From Me To Question A “Scientist”

  1. if I’m reading Taylor correctly the number of people who manifest outside the XX & XY population comprises somewhere between 0.35% and 0.22% of our population…

    MSM/P indicates that any individual from the XX/XY group can fluidly migrate to any of these other wonderful configurations…

    well that’s good enough for me, we must immediately reconfigure our entire civilization.

  2. Six? Okay, let’s go with that. What are the defining physical characteristics of each of the six sexes?

    Why does it matter? Because I assert the defining physical characteristics of ordinary XY male sex are stronger skeleton to anchor larger muscle mass and a more aggressive nature, compared to ordinary XX female sex. That makes head-to-head competition between XY and XX sex unfair to the weaker sex, which is the reason we instituted Girls Sports in the first place and why we adopted Title IX to protect XX girls from competition against XY males.

    Transgendered “women” – who retain XY skeletal and musculature advantages but dress in a skirt – should therefore be banned from Girls Sports and Girls Locker rooms.

    Of course, it’s possible the other four sexes may also have unfair advantages, and should similarly be banned, so please, give us the defining physical characteristics of those sexes, Ms. Biochemist. We appreciate your help in our effort to ensure the intent of Title IX is fulfilled.

  3. Per John’s comment, it’s worth noting that the condition suspected with the “males presenting sort of as female” athletes in the Olympics, XY- 5 alpha reductase 2 deficiency, is a developmental disorder, not a karotype. That is also, to my knowledge, the only “intersex” condition that would allow Olympic-level performance as either sex. So her comments are completely irrelevant to the athletics question.

    For those who are genuinely intersex, I’m OK with an “intersex” designation, but that still retains the traditional dichotomy of sex. So Taylor really misses basic biology.

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