Keith Ellison’s Priorities

This came out on Tuesday:

So many responses:

  • Please, Lord – let him file that case with the Roberts court.  I beg this of you.
  • So let’s make sure we’ve got this straight – a mentally ill 13 year old in Minnesota is clearly competent to decide to chemically neuter themself, but an 18 year old who’s passed carry permit training and has a clean criminal record can’t defend their home and life?

Reason has been annihilated.

5 thoughts on “Keith Ellison’s Priorities

  1. You forgot this part about 18 year olds “who have passed permit to carry training and if serving in the military normally gets a scary black rifle assigned to them…”

  2. And the teenagers doing all the carjackings and drive by shootings have conceal and carry permits already, yes?

  3. We might argue that really, the state does have something to fear from 18 year olds getting carry permits, because the big cities in the state are not prosecuting crime. Hence there are a lot of criminals out there with clean records who might get a carry permit.

    Lost in the equation, of course, is that they’re probably already carrying illegally, so why bother spending $200 to get a permit when you’re not going to be tried for doing so in the first place?

    It all comes down to what the NRA has been complaining about for decades–that governments are not using the laws they have to punish criminals, so why pass new laws that they can ignore? The only real rationale is to infringe on the rights of the law-abiding–and in doing so, make life more dangerous for us all.

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