Insult To Injury

Governor Walz hasn’t done a single substantive interview with a “Journalist” that isn’t throwing him sloppy kisses (Esme Murphy, Jason DeRusha) since before the ’22 election.

But this?

And our erstwhile “fourth estate”, the ones who are supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable?

They’re yukking it up:

Not sure “peak Minnesota” means what Ms. Lopez thinks it means. 

7 thoughts on “Insult To Injury

  1. I know what you’re saying and I agree, but for the majority of Democrat voters (including the oh-so serious Ms Lopez), this is, in fact, a substantive interview with a journalist.

  2. I had been planning to vote for Trump because of my concerns about the border, the economy, the War in Ukraine and the Middle East, not to mention rampant crime in the streets and tampons in the boys room, but after seeing this, I’m reconsidering.

    A guy who can manage his gutters can certainly handle those other pesky little problems.

  3. “Many a man…”
    Bunch of sexists. How dare they assume that over weight bearded individual doing home maintenance is a man!!

  4. It makes sense that Tim Jong Walz knows so much about gutters. He’s lived in them his whole life.

  5. He’s been assigned the role of “dad” to give Kami’s team some gravitas. He read somewhere that real dads talk about gutters. He’s on it!

    The entire world of “dad jokes” is about to take a huge hit.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.28.24 : The Other McCain

  7. What boss says. Yes, Tampon Tim’s mind has obviously been in the gutter for decades. We are surprised why?

    And having been around a number of houses that “needed a lot of work”, I guess I could agree that full gutters might often be an obvious early sign that the owners don’t care. But that said, I see dying roofing, peeling siding, and sagging porches in about the same way as things that owners “could have handled a lot earlier, but chose not to.”

    Maybe cleaning out the gutters is the only thing that Tampon Tim can actually do without damaging the house or himself?

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