
Look, it’s not like I need more reasons not to like Governor Walz. 

He’s fake.  He’s a product of the Democrat propaganda machine.  He’s a wannabe tyrant. 

But more personally?

Listen to this bit here:

I’ll cop to it – I spent a good chunk of my early years in the Twin Cities with a big chip on my shoulder; the city mice were often dicks to the country mice.  And though it’s been over thirty years, I’ve still got a short fuse on the subject. 

So I’m asking rather than declaring; is there a way to listen to that and not hear “you hicks gotta know your place?”

12 thoughts on “Focus

  1. So I’m asking…

    Well what you obviously refuse to hear is his compassion and yes, love for the common, everyday, working guy. He is letting us know that for those of us who were not favored by fate he will be there to represent us. He lets us know that he will hear and answer our cries for freedom and justice. Why do you turn away from him and his Message of JOY?

  2. I’ll wager that quite a few speakers at their convention went to an Ivy League school. Anybody pay enough attention to these clowns to list them?

  3. “Walz: “I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to Yale.”

    not the ringing endorsement of his teaching prowess now is it?

  4. At first I thought Walz was channeling Thurston Howell III from “Gilligan’s Island” (“Heavens, a Yale Man!”), but that’s not it; after all, our Amy Klobuchar is a Yalie and Walz likes her just fine, and she’s just one of a crapload of Yalies who were present at the United Center.

    Remember, both Vance and Trump are Ivy Leaguers; Trump went to UPenn, so his theoretical credentials are in order. But both are to be hated because of two things:

    1) The eternal theme of gentry class leftists/parlor pinks – “Not Our Kind, Dear.” Snobbishness is a growth industry, even if you’re from Chadron State; and

    2) They are apostates – if you are bestowed an Ivy League education (and everyone in their worldview is bestowed one, no one actually earns it), by God you’d better get with the program and not be courting the Rocks and Cows crowd. Trump and Vance have looked the gift horse in the mouth and we simply cannot have that.

  5. My brother is a Hahvid man married to a Yalie– “you can tell a Hahvid man, but you can’t tell him much”–and it was striking one time when I asked him to consider a hypothetical. Standard tool of rhetoric, and he flat out refused.

    Let’s just say my view of the usefulness of an Ivy League degree when down a little bit that night. Nothing against people who survive it unscathed, but too many do not.

    And Walz? Big thing that bothers me is not this, but his love of the Chinese Communists.

  6. “I had 24 kids in my high school class

    Uh…..times how many years?

    I heard that he taught for 20 years, so 24 X 20 (let me use my calculator here, just to be sure) = 480. You mean, out of 480 kids not one went to an ivy league school?

    So a hillbilly can get into Yale, but a kid from Mankato cannot?

    Got to say I believe it, because of people like Walz, Minnesota education is in a death spiral.

  7. My first thought as well. None of his students went to Yale? Look in the mirror dipwad.

  8. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.23.24 : The Other McCain

  9. Speaking of weird, If you are considering filing a job application for the Harris/Walz administration, you might want to spend some time thinking about your pronouns.

    Here are you choices as of this morning.

    He/him, She/her, They/them, Xe/xem, Ze/hir, Ey/em, Hir/hir, Fae/faer,

    Let’s see if they are smart enough to change this, or so full of themselves that they keep it.

  10. Hope the puke-walz goes to the Fair. I’d love to scream some profanities at this ugly puke with vigor.

  11. Waltz is a fake populist. As is Kamala and the Obama’s and Biden. All the “Gosh, oh shucks” talk. Lake Wobegon BS. They rather get a body part cut off than live paycheck to paycheck. To all those who claim Walz is the guy next door who shovels your walk and fixes your carburetor (all those Subarus are fuel injected) I say, stop it. He’s the guy who calls the city when he thinks you’ve committed a code violation, who yells at your kid for playing his guitar too loud in the garage, or complains to the HOA because you hung balloons on your garage to signal your friends where you live. In short, a male Karen. Who doesn’t live by the code of “mind your own business.” Au contraire, he claims to be acting in the interest of the collective, communist that he is.

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