High Strategy

George W. Bush’s Air Guard record.

Mitt Romney’s tax returns.

The Russian Collusion hoax.

The “Perfectly Fine People” hoax.

“White Supremacists started/did most of the rioting in Minneapolis!”

“Kids are coming to school hungry in Minnesota”.

And now this:

A PBS senior corresponent apologized Wednesday after falsely telling her audience thart former President Donald Trump tried to talk Israel out of a cease-fire amid its ongoing war in Gaza.

Judy Woodruff passed off blame for the blunder by “clarifying” that she based the flimsy scoop on outside reporting that she had read byefroe broadcasting from the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.

“The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the prime minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now, because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign”, Woodruff told a PBS roundtable”. 


Woodruff posted a tweet “Clarifying” her regret that she’d been caught:


But it’s out there. Democrat tweeps are chanting it like it’s fact. The intellectual gerbils that make up the Democrat base are parroting merrily away.

Because, well perception is reality.  And who controls what people perceive, anyway? 

Could happen to anyone. 

Hey – wasn’t “misinformation” public enemy number one?

Berg’s Seventh Law is getting more and more inerrant.

9 thoughts on “High Strategy

  1. Let’s not forget that Ms Woodruff is considered to be a doyen among Journalists. Highly respected. With that well-practiced persona as someone you can trust. Who gets her information from Axios and passes on disinformation to juicy to verify.

  2. Stop all government funding of Public TV, Public Radio, et.al! Make them live and die by private funding ,what they standby, and what they put over the air waves. Should have been done years ago.

  3. JDM, the reports were retracted after both sides said they were “nonsense.” Of course, the notion “check your sources” does not appear to have been followed by Axios and Reuters. The “sources” were of course unnamed, and there is also the question of precisely who could get so close to the President to figure that out, but would make such an inflammatory accusation.

  4. And, in conclusion, 311,457,587 people saw the original lie. 2,598 people saw the retraction (https://x.com/ChefGruel/status/1826424894885953925).

    Reminds me of when Harry Reid falsely accused Mitt Romney of paying zero taxes for ten years during the 2012 presidential elections. Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?

    PS 311 million people?

  5. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.22.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  6. Megyn Kelly fact checked both Axios and Reuters to see what their respective reporting actually said. Funny! Neither one of them had anything that indicated Trump told Netanyahu to reject the deal and Netanyahu denied it.

  7. So she lied about having lied, blaming sources that didn’t exist. Shocking!

    And a stupid lie, besides. Trump has never been one of the voices calling for Israel to stop the war. Netanyahu has never been one of the waverers. They both understand the war will end the moment Hamas releases all the people they stole and not a moment before. The notion that Trump would have to talk Netanyahu out of surrendering is worthy only of ridicule.

  8. I don’t think this is first time the bint has been caught out as a rabid DNC mouthpiece. She’s got a well-practiced persona as someone you can trust that lets her get away with it.

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