The Minnesota Stealth Tribute

It only took the Strib six, almost seven, months to get around to “correcting” their headline about Gov. and Mrs. Klink’s, uh, “misspeaking” about their infertility treatment:


When in doubt, distrusting the Strib is always appropriate.

3 thoughts on “The Minnesota Stealth Tribute

  1. I mentioned this lie a few days ago from a post at Legal Insurrection and then I thought to myself, is it really all that important? I mean, cut the guy a break. But then, when you add in all the other lies he tells, you just gotta go with, is there anything he *won’t* lie about?

  2. By “access” I presume Tiny Tim means guaranteed third party payment. I’d love to share my wife’s journey through ACM to get coverage for live changing spine surgery but anyone who has dealt with Obama care knows the score.

  3. It’s funny how the paper used to print retractions, when it took actual work. Now, it’s even easier to admit you’re wrong but we get nothing.

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