Open Letter To America’s Dumbest Senator

To: Senator Tina Smith
From:  Mitch Berg, Obstreporous Peasant
Re;  Democracy


Yesterday you (via  your social  media intern) tweeted this:

“History” may mark those words, if it’s written by someone dumb enough to be a Tina Smith voter.

But – and saying for sake of argument that Donald Trump was in fact any way a threat to “democracy” between election day and Joe Biden’s coronation – the big story is our constitutional system worked.   It easily dealt with whatever “threat” Trump might have been. 

Your personality cultism is more appropriate for a Maoist dictatorship…

…but I suspect you know that, and are OK with it, since you will likely be one of the people in the dachas rather than the gulag, at least for a while.

But stop calling it democracy. 

That is all.

4 thoughts on “Open Letter To America’s Dumbest Senator

  1. Just curious….

    Maybe Abortion Barbie could help me out on this given that her Planned Parenthood makes money off of selling baby parts.

    What is a liver going for these days?

    Or a heart?

    Or maybe just a spleen?

  2. Lots of people thought they would be in the dachas instead of the gulags, or getting the “six feet of land” that is their only real need.

  3. BH429: He created the darkest hour, only to save us from it. Just like shutting down the country so millions lost their jobs, only to take credit for historic job growth when it was really millions of jobs being restored, not created.

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