
Tim Walz loves him some Chinese Communism. 

Well, at the very least he loved it, back when he was teaching kids “social studies”:

There appears to be precious little evidence that he changed anything but  his surface decorations (during 12 years as a “moderate” while campaigning in the rural 1st CD). 

5 thoughts on ““Moderate”

  1. everyone’s the same and everyone shares

    And it only cost 60 million lives to do it!!!

    When can we do it here??

  2. I heard a former student, I think one of the kids that Walz took to China for a cultural education, has said that Tim Walz would buy copies of Mao’s Little Red Book and gift them to the students on the trip. It’s all still mostly rumor though because the former student will only allow his first name to be published. Considering Walz’s penchant for snitch lines, I can’t say that the guy has nothing to worry about.

  3. The fact of the matter is that CD1 isn’t the reservoir of redness (surrounding that island of blue that is Austin) that it once was.

  4. Walz not only drank the Kool Aid, he mixed gallons of it for his students and constituents. Now he wants to brew a new batch for the USA. I attended a “progressive “ school in the 60s, started by a woman very much in love with communism. A couple of her children went to China to live and they were vocal and active about how wonderful the revolution was. As an impressional teenager aged I found it hard to resist the lure of a utopian and equal society. Eventually I got wise to the scam, but many in my boomer generation didn’t, and they are the ones who introduced critical theory to colleges and other institutions. We’re in danger. Grave danger.

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