Walz: Where’s The Beef?

I’ve got a question for the hive mind of this blog.

Yesterday, Governor Klink made perhaps his most, to coin a term, “weird” attack on JD Vance:

Now, what he’s talking about is theWhich brings up the question – does the term “Runza” occur in Minnesota at all?

It’s apparently named after a chain of burger joints in Nebraska

And on that burger joint’s menu is a meat pie.

In North Dakota, it’d be called a Fleischkikla (German-Russian for the German Fleischküchle. In Northeast Minneapolis, it’s a Pierog. There are other names in other languages. They probably have a local term in Ohio that would flummox Klink

But in all my years in Minnesota – admittedly almost none of it in the First CD – I’ve never ever heard the term Runza. 

Am I missing something? 

Or is this literally the dumbest attempt at a dunk that Walz has ever tried?

9 thoughts on “Walz: Where’s The Beef?

  1. I know Runzas are a thing in Nebraska. Back when he was Senator, Ben Sasse would sell runzas at Cornhusker football games, and he’d talk about it whenever he was a guest on The Remnant podcast. That’s how I know about them. I think that they are spreading throughout the Midwest as Nebraskans flee the State due to the collapse of the Big 12 and the Cornhusker football dynasty.
    Remember, Tim Walz is the guy that just referred to native rural Midwesterners as “Hillbillies” instead of the more accurate and preferred “Rednecks.”
    It’s hilarious whenever Tim Walz tries to talk anything else other than Twin Cities Liberalese. He starts mixing up his terms, just like your average tourist that has tried to learn the local language/dialect but over estimates their ability, or the scam emails you get from Chinese hackers that use Google Translate.

  2. I am from CD 1 from a long time ago. I think Greg and Bike are too and may even live there now, so their expertise is probably greater than mine.

    There were no runzas in the town where I grew up. On the other hand, there were loose meat sandwiches at the Tender maid. Does that count?

  3. No runzas in Rochester. I do make bierocks (Prussion Pierogi) from time to time, though. And the ones in “Runza” restaurant are pretty bad. So evidently Walz got his taste buds shot off in the war he never went to.

  4. Man, do I remember Flieschkuchle! My paternal grandmother and my aunts on that side of the family, made them for us to snack on while we were pheasant hunting out near Granite Falls.

  5. Oh my lord this tinpotTIMMY is even more loathsome than I thought. What a creepy fool. Nobody knows what the hell a runza is you 80yr old looking commie puke!

  6. I wish some enterprising social media type would ask DNC conventioneers if they know Runza’s. It could be like Leno’s Jaywalking segment’s where he found educated idiots who don’t know basic facts.

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