The Only Thing…

…that amazes me about this “interview” with the loathsome Senator Smith…:

…is that Acosta actually called her on her lie. 

My expectations of the media have fallen that low.

On the other hand, Esme Murphy wouldn’t have done even that.

11 thoughts on “The Only Thing…

  1. That “inaccuracy” by Sen. Smith is just another example of the local MN Media not preparing DFL politicians for primetime. Dflers can lie with impunity in Minnesota and not get called out by anyone that their voters will ever hear from. Urban Liberals wouldn’t be caught died reading Alpha News, and the standard MN Media won’t give GOP Legislative or Party leaders airtime to denounce slanderous accusations without being able to discredit said Republicans. The friendly media environment leads to DFL politicians getting sloppy and getting caught on national outlets. CNN, on the other hand, already had to pay out one defamation case and is currently being sued by Trump. I can only assume that the executives have sent down word that the on air talent can’t be TOO blatant about provably and already known falsehoods. An honest judge and jury would acknowledge that CNN has already met the malice standard in spades.

  2. Stephen Colbert speaking to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins:

    I know you guys are objective over there, that you just report the news as it is,

    His audience bursts into laughter.

  3. my only curiosity about the execrable Sen Smith is when she downs her 7th tumbler of the evening is it gin or vodka? Take a close look at her face, the girl’s an alky, probably starts with vodka for breakfast to “steady her nerves”.

  4. Smith;
    I can’t believe that I’m standing up for Acosta, but he also pressed Kamala’s campaign talking head Michael Tyler, about why she hasn’t held any press conferences and despite Tyler’s word salad about them holding rallies in battleground states, Acosta still pressed him stating; “Those aren’t press conferences!”

  5. Boss,
    Yeah. He’s had a couple of better, if somewhat weak push back moments this week. It still won’t get him back at the White House if Trump wins, and I’m pretty sure that’s where Jim wants to be. He got a lot of airtime on multiple outlets every time he made an a$$ of himself fighting with Trump’s Press Secretary.

  6. Not only in the Marines, but went to Iraq. I guess he was a public affairs officer and went out to meet tribal leaders. If you ask me, it’s more dangerous in a lot of ways than being a rifleman because targeting those missions would be elementary for the insurgents.

  7. Tip of the hat to Acosta for at least calling her on it, but I’d have been a bit harsher like “Senator Smith, you obviously do not read the papers, because Vance served four years in the Marine Corps, including six months in Iraq. That’s six months more deployment than Walz ever did.”

    Come to think of it, isn’t it interesting he didn’t go to Iraq in all that time, especially around 1990? Wonder how he got out of that.

    Maybe Acosta needs to be a little bit nice because the politicians might cut him off altogether, but I think being a little more blunt with the left would be a nice change.

  8. Smith;
    Referencing Acosta getting his ass handed to him so often by Kayleigh NcEnany, brought me a good laugh. Most of the DC press corps were totally outclassed when they tried to go toe to toe with her. It was great theater.

  9. SmithStCrx on August 15, 2024 at 7:25 am

    I tried to explain something like this the other day, but this is really on point and much better. With all the other comments you’ve made in the last 24 hours on other threads, dude, you’re on fire!

  10. BB,
    Walz did deploy, to Italy, IIRC. His National Guard unit deployed to various bases across Europe to free up regular units for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s why he likes to say that he “deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.” He usually parses his words like a lawyer and leaves it up to the listener to reach the incorrect conclusion that he wants them to come to.
    As to the first Gulf War, I don’t believe any National Guardsmen deployed. It was only standard military.

    I started college in the fall of 2000, and when NG units started deploying overseas I heard more than a few Guardsmen complain about having to activate. “I joined the Guard to pay for school, not to deploy!!” was the gist of what the complainers said. It was a small minority overall, but deployments weren’t part of living memory of the National Guard.

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