New Opportunity For Republicans!

I was “yesterday years old”, as the kids say, when I learned about this:

Truly we live in a time of miracles; there is now a pro-skyrocketing debt, pro-foreign-policy collapse, pro-Middle East war, pro-weaponization of the institutions against political opposition, pro-censorship, pro foreign policy of “losing slowly”, pro packing the SCOTUS, pro-crime, pro firearm confiscation, pro collapse of education, anti-federalism, pro redefinition of bedrock societal institutions, anti free speech, pro-rule-by-executive-decree, pro-open border, anti-sovereignty, pro-untrammeled bureaucracy, pro-socialism wing of the GOP.

We truly live in a time of wonder.

I mean, for those of you for whom “Duck Hunters for Gun Safety” isn’t enough.

UPDATE:  I see Michael appropriated Reagan’s “A Time For Choosing” title. 

Among the choices Reagan put forth in his speech, Michael chose the wrong one. 

The wrong choice 60 years ago, the wrong choice now, the wrong choice always.

14 thoughts on “New Opportunity For Republicans!

  1. Good post. Time of miracles, indeed.

    A few years ago, MSM outlets decided to stop pretending to be broad-based and focus primarily on their left-wing patrons as the way to survive. The Strib (or Red Star) was no different.

    To me this means is that articles like the above are not written to convince conservatives, [Rr]epublicans, or even independents. They are written to solely to pat the heads and stroke the egos of their DemoCommie subscribers/consumers.

  2. Has Glen Taylor endorsed the Harris/Walz ticket yet?

    I mean personally, not through the Strib.

  3. Wait a second. Looking at Brodkorb’s bio, he hasn’t been much of a Republican since he got caught cheating on his wife and crashed his Subaru while driving drunk. Even before that, his “Minnesota Democrats Exposed” blog was basically a series of personal attacks.

    So precisely what importance this “MinnPost” writer’s endorsement has is beyond me…

  4. So, what you’re saying bike is policies be damned, it’s a one-drunk-to-another vote? Stick together and all that.

  5. bikebubba, Brodkorp now writes for MinnPost? I guess any port in a storm. As we like to say: The TDS is strong with this one. Altho he’s been a never-Trumper since 2015, so at least he’s consistent in his ignorance.

  6. Brodkorb is to be numbered among those “Republicans” who vastly prefer minority party status(in other words not your run of the mill RINO) – he quails at the thought of having to actually undertake the role of governance. His preference is for plausible electoral deniability.

  7. If Trump manages to beat himself and lose the 2024 election — I hope this will help break MAGA fever.

  8. Trump is not the reason for MAGA. MAGA is the reason for Trump.

    If your next assassin succeeds, MAGA will simply look for someone else to pick up the torch.

  9. This is all about the money. Brodkorb sees that he can make more money as a lapsed Republican. the Dems and the news media can trot him out whenever they need a story about Repubs for Harris. This is actually good timing since Walz is on the ticket. He’ll be sought after. nothing but a wh***.

  10. Now Betty, let’s be nice to those streetwalkers. No need to compare them to Brodkorb!

    Seriously, when I reviewed the candidates for office on today’s ballot–only a couple of whom I had actually gotten a mailer from–I had to wonder exactly how the GOP is selecting and vetting candidates. My favorite was a guy who is a divorced relationship therapist who argues that our country needs a therapist. Another one mentioned how long he’d been sober.

    More or less, in both parties, we seem to be scaring away sane, well-adjusted candidates. Yikes. (maybe I ought to stand for office….nah, my therapy bills aren’t high enough yet)

  11. It’s the most stunning transformation of a party’s presidential prospects I have ever seen. I think Democrats should be happy that Biden was as bad as he was at the debate.

    ‘The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the one who wins this election’~ Nikki Haley 01/23/24

    This election isn’t about ‘democracy on trial’ but the Republican Party’s collapse as a national contender. After November, it will need significant reinvention, with discussions of its rebuilding starting from Labor Day.

    The ‘democracy-on-trial’ narrative was a major blunder in Biden’s reelection campaign. Yet, future American strongmen will study Trump’s era for lessons and a blueprint for illiberal power. Trump’s erratic behavior might yield a vote total in the mid-to-high 30s, or low 40s at best.

    America is moving on; this is a turn-the-page election.

  12. The column strikes me as the Strib scraping the bottom of the barrel holding never-Trumpers to seduce Republicans into joining a party that holds America in contempt, gives aid and comfort to her enemies, and practices banana republic politics while failing to protect law abiding citizens from the predations of a violent criminal underclass.

  13. The Republicans and conservatives who are screaming Commie takeover at Harris miss the big picture. Relax! The GOP Senate is a strong ideological hedge. 4 years of Center Left administration is a small price to rid the party of the Trump cancer. No more sucking up to dictators. We’ll be legitimate conservatives with sane policy arguments again.

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