Flash Of Daily Epiphany

Looking at the various lines of approach in the Democrat campaign this time around:

“You’re weird!

“You’re terrified of Walz’s manly masculinity!!!

Nailed it. I’m terrified of a man who resembles a little pink piglet.

“What, do you want children to starve? You must want children to starve!”

The Democrat campaign is being run by middle-school mean girls.

6 thoughts on “Flash Of Daily Epiphany

  1. What does make chills run down my spine about Walz is the inordinate about of time he lived and taught in China. He wasn’t teaching American football. Reminds me of a movie quote: “Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve known in my life.”

  2. So Bloomberg UK can publish an article about the US Presidential Election but if Elon Musk talks to Trump and tweets it out (a capability not limited to Musk) an EU Commissioner threatens hold Musk criminally liable. OTOH, if Elon Musk retweets actual photos of “unrest” in the UK, then British legal authorities openly muse about having Elon arrested and extradited for fueling more civil “unrest”?
    I know the idea of “Vote Harder” is supposed to be a libertarian joke about sheeple that still subscribe to the fallacious binary, but I can vote more enthusiastically. 😉

  3. what this Democrat mean girl approach betrays is the lack of a James Carville directing and enforcing the messaging nationally from the top of the ticket to the bottom. Sadly there is no one on the Republican side to unify the messaging either.

  4. MacArthur,
    Carville has been getting a lot of time on air giving “free” advice to the Democrats. They don’t even have to pay him to be an advisor this cycle. They just have to watch his appearances. Unfortunately for the politicians, the response from the politicians and the staffers is basically, “Okay Boomer.”

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