
SCENE:   A small postwar “starter” home in New Hope, Minnesota.  It is about 10PM.  Josh McGILL, 35 year old estimator and sometimes technician for a family HVAC business, and Cassie McGILL, 33 and an office manager for a real estate firm, have finally gotten their kids to bed for the evening.  They are working on the bills as the evening news plays on the TV in the background.

JOSH:  Well, if we just had $100 more, the budget would be balanced.

CASSIE:  But Junior is going to need new skates for hockey soon.

JOSH:  Ugh.   I don’t know that I’m going to be able to get a lot over overtime.

CASSIE:  And then there’s the elephant in the room – this house is just too small for three kids. 

JOSH:  The way mortgage rates are going, we can’t afford to move.

CASSIE:  And with food up 30%, gas and heating up…

JOSH:  …don’t forget taxes on everything going up…

CASSIE:  …that too – I don’t know how we make that work. 

JOSH:  And with our commercial customers dropping like flies, we are going to wind up laying people off at this rate. 

CASSIE:  (sighs heavily). We’re still paying for that catalytic converter that got stolen.  What are we going to do?

(The TV mysteriously gets louder, and Kamala HARRIS and Tim WALZ dart their eyes to CASSIE and JOSH, through the screen)

HARRIS:  Feel joy!

JOSH:  DId you say something Cassie?

CASSIE:  It’s…the TV. 


WALZ:  Do it for One Minnesota!

CASSIE:  Oh, Madame Vice President and Governor Walz.  Hi.  It’s just that things are kinda…stressful…

(The sound of Beyonce’s song “Freedom” turns up, and HARRIS and WALZ start dancing)

JOSH:  It’s kinda like, prices have gone up way, way faster than our incomes, and business is slowing, and interest rates for my business are crazy, and whatever savings we have are getting bled out, and our kids school just isn’t doing the job, and…

(The music stops abruptly.  HARRIS and WALZ’s eletronic gazes fix upon the McGills)

WALZ:  Perhaps you weren’t listening.

HARRIS:  Don’t be weird ,Josh and Cassie.  Feel joy!  Because joy is what you should feel if you don’t want to be the weird person who isn’t feeling joy.

JOSH:  Er, that’s great, but it doesn’t…

HARRIS:  (Scowling). I said feel joy.

WALZ:  Now.  For One Minnesota.

HARRIS:  And One America, not weird America, a joyful America, unburdened by the weight of what has been.  

(And just as suddenly as they appeared, they are gone, as KARE 11 shows TikTok videos of the Saint Paul City Council dancing.)

CASSIE:  What was that?

JOSH:  I have no idea.


3 thoughts on “Joy!

  1. (Double post – I meant this comment to go here but accidentally left it another thread.)

    Night Writer on August 15, 2024 at 11:36 am said:
    Remember when “populism” was a lefty brand? Today, globally, populism is conservative in nature though you might not recognize it by the new “far right” term used to lump anyone who doesn’t agree with the elites. Global populations are finally having enough of the lies and gaslighting and are taking their frustrations out at the ballot box – and on the streets. Trump is the figurehead of the same process in the US, but it is a global reaction.

    The elites are justifiably scared after Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and much of the European Parliament have gone more conservative. Meanwhile, France cobbled together a Left and Farther Left coalition to defeat LePen’s National Rally in a deal very reminiscent of 1934 Spain and will likely see a similar result since the largest block of voters are rebels. And while the UK managed to get a Leftist PM who is doing lefty totalitarian things, the public is now fighting things out in the streets. Unbridled immigration, failing economies, rampant inflation and taxation are having their predictable effect.

    Funny story: When we were touring some Mayan ruins earlier this year our Mayan guide told us that it wasn’t the Spaniards that ended the Mayan civilization. “That was gone 300 years before the Spanish arrived.” He said the Mayan elites maintained their power by convincing the rest that they had favor with the gods and could control the weather. After 7 years of drought, the people rose up and said, “What do we need you for? Go throw YOUR babies in the cenotes.”

    Today’s leftist elites are really pretty poorly educated, but more than a few paid attention in history classes.

  2. The WEF’s main depopulation advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, was caught during an interview, frantically stating that if Trump gets re-elected, globalism will be finished.

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