Joy! In Action!

These are the people calling Republicans “weird”.   In this case, the Democrat party’s leading public intellect, James Carville. 

Here’s his measured, Socratic response to Fox’s Jesse Waters’ attacks on Tim Walz:

Has anyone told him that is, er, suggestion is actually what “trans men” are supposed to do?

He might not do lunch on K Street again…

4 thoughts on “Joy! In Action!

  1. Just out of curiosity, is Carville really all that important or knowledgeable as a political consultant? I mean, every election season the MSM heads off to the Carville Oracle for words of wisdom delivered in that folksy, potty-mouth, southern drawl, but is he really all that authoritative? I don’t know.

    Also, I read yesterday that Carville is essentially being ignored by the Kamala-Walz campaign. The “OK, Boomer” effect. Maybe that explains his ire.

  2. Carville is an old school Democrat that subscribes to the KISS principle. “It’s the Economy, stupid!” is a timeless answer for why any election turned out the way it did. There’s always going to be newer and younger campaign consultants that think that they are smarter than everyone else and have figured out something new that no one’s ever considered. It always comes back to the economy.
    If a President is running for reelection and if the swing voters think things are going well, they’ll probably win reelection. Carville is “smart enough” to understand that timeless truth.
    He’s also smart enough to know that you can gaslight some of the people some of the time, but only for so long.

  3. He’s irrelevant at this point. He reminds me of aging pop stars/movie stars who decide to go nude on social media or magazine covers -they got nothing else but think this move is so outre it will get them back in the game.

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