The Numbers Don’t Lie

There are so many dismal statistics to frame Tim Walz’s reign here in Minnesota. 

But this one is among the most damning:

Minnesota is #45 among states comparing in and out migration. 

For every six people that move to Minnesota, ten are leaving. 

Florida?  For every 10 that leave, 27 immigrate.   Texas gets 15 new Texas for every 10 that leave. 

South Dakota is cleaning Minnesota’s clock. 

This is Tim Walz’s doing


5 thoughts on “The Numbers Don’t Lie

  1. Well, numbers do not lie indeed, just the people who interpret them. See, Minnesota is in great company with CA and IL! Very little change, and change is baaaad, like Climate Change, dontcha know!

  2. YES, JPA! As my grandfather used to say, “figures don’t lie, liars figure”

  3. Easily explained by comparing top states with bottom, as viewed from a Liberal perspective.

    Miami is gaining wealthy ($200,000+) retirees as New York is losing Jews and good riddance.

    Fort Myers is gaining retired white, B+, Minnesota-born Twins fans as Minneapolis is losing them and good riddance to them, too.

    Illegal aliens and welfare recipients may not have the same income or cultural norms as the departing residents but

  4. Oops. Posted too soon.

    White flight is a Good thing as it enables the losing state to improve its moral standing by cleaning out the haters and replacing them with more deserving residents.

  5. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.09.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

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