In His Own Words

So, Governor and Veep Candidate Walz supports censorship of “misinformation” (which is defined by his sycophants in the media) and “hate speech”, which is defined by…him.

I’m gonna guess this gets called “hateful misinformation”.

One heartbeat away from the presidency, if America doesn’t wise up this fall.

9 thoughts on “In His Own Words

  1. Just to be clear, in National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 432 U.S. 43 (1977), the Supreme Court ruled that hate speech is indeed protected by the First Amendment.

    As a candidate for Vice President, you would think that Walz knows this and he probably does, but he also knows that his MSNBC audience is stupid and easily misled.

  2. Not only words, “speech” includes actions which convey meaning. Freedom of expression is protected, such as burning a cross on a black family lawn. RAV v. City of St Paul, 9-0 Supreme Court decision.

  3. It isn’t much of a threadjack, more like a tangent, but do you guys think the Stolen Valor kerfuffle is going to become important? I know it was easily discarded as “not important” when Wally was running for governor, but I have the impression that the national stage is not going to be so forgiving.

  4. jdm.

    On LinkedIn this morning, some black guy had posted his “research” on JD Vance’s military record. He said that his MOS was listed as “Combat Photographer”, but he didn’t find any photos that he took. The haters are dissecting every avenue they can.

  5. boss, to me that means Wally’s Stolen Valor issue has legs because they’re trying to change the subject.

  6. I read the results of a poll of the younger generation. Half of the respondents believed that the first amendment goes too far. Timmy is probably tapping into that belief. The communists made the long march through our institutions and now are working on our fundamental rights.

  7. OK, got it; hate speech is outlawed, but actually rioting and burning down peoples’ property is A-OK in Walz’s world. I think he’s got some priorities mixed up.

  8. We in Minnesota have for several years known that Walz is a home grown authoritarian Big Brother. The mask came off, ironically, when he made the rest of us wear masks and turn the state’s economy into a desert. Scott Johnson at Powerline compares him to Joe Isuzu, which is accurate in terms of Walz’s propensity to shamelessly lie, but doesn’t capture the evil subtext of the man. You will comply or there will be consequences. Meanwhile, the compliant media and corporate elitists spin the myth of Trump as a crypto Nazi, despite the closest version of that being Tim Walz.

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