Just To Be Clear…

I’m just a little bit overjoyed that Kamala Harris selected Tim Walz. 

How do I put this?  Tim Walz is Bernie Sanders in an Elmer Fudd costume. 

Kamala Harris felt the need, for whatever reason – we’ll come back to that – to to whatever sliver of the Democrat Party that is to her left, to a governor of a state that is only academically in play.

I’d been thinking Josh Shapiro was a lock – there’d even been some “congrats” videos “leaked” last weekend of various Democrat dignitaries congratulating Shapiro. 

He would have been a formidable choice.  That, too, we’ll come back to.

Walz?  He’s got baggage.  And I”m going to keep reminding the world of that baggage:

So – why not Shapiro?

Because he’s a JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, and the Democrat party has a bit of an antisemitism problem.   They don’t want Chicago looking like, well, Lake Street. 

Anyway – to all the Dems chanting “Hahaha!  He’s America’s fun uncle!  Cope!”, I say “his place on the ticket is all the ‘cope’ I need, thank you very much”. 

So it’s Walz:

Bring on the fall!

UPDATE: Ben Shapiro captures a lot of what I’ve been thinking:

5 thoughts on “Just To Be Clear…

  1. Reminds me of Eva Young of “Dump Bachmann” (for those of you with long blog memories):

    MITCH: “I support Tom Emmer”

  2. The Nothing-Burger candidate needed an even bigger Nothing-Burger as a running mate that wouldn’t cast a shadow of competence over her.

    As for competence, I’m sure Walz is thinking that if Biden and Harris could be VP, how hard a job can it be? At least until Kamala names him “Czar of the Middle East”. He had to bail on an earlier assignment in that region.

  3. Jonah Goldberg’s take is that Harris picked Walz over Shapiro because Shapiro has his eye on the White House, while Walz knows that the VP is the best he can do. It’s nice to be reminded that national pundits that don’t deal with a “local” politician are easily fooled. Though Goldberg could be correct about Harris’ reasoning, which means she was just as fooled by Timmy as the average Minnesota swing voter was in 2022.

  4. Walz’s stolen valor is so typical. I can’t tell you how many guys like him I knew and despised in college and in the workplace.

    Walz is that brown-noser in the office that nobody likes, the one who attends all the meetings and sits in the front row of all the diversity classes so he can check all the boxes HR requires in order to get promoted over people who are actually doing the work. He volunteers for every committee, never does any of the work, but takes credit for the committee’s effort on his next promotion application.

    He’s the guy who got temporarily promoted from Fry Cook to Interim Manager while the boss was out of town for the weekend, and spends the rest of his life telling people, “I was a restaurant manager with over 40 employees.”

    He’s the guy who bullshitted his way through a Social Studies degree in college, taught Geography in High School and worked the public employee teacher’s union contract rules to get a Masters in Educational Leadership (teaching teachers how to teach) so he could move lanes to get a pay raise.

    Now he brags that he was a Command Sergeant Major, highest non-com rank in the military, higher that anybody in Congress. Yeah, temporarily, until he quit and the rank was rescinded. It was an interim promotion, just like that Restaurant Manager.

    But when you have no praiseworthy accomplishments to boast . . . .

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