De-Origin Story

We in the conservative alt media often look forward to the demise of the mainstream media (StarTribune, I’m looking at you). And after the latest media outrage, we often repeat “you may think you hate the MSM – but you don’t hate them enough”.

But how did they get this way?

Richard “Wretchard” Fernandez, as often is the case, sums it up:

To understand the collapse of the media it is first important to understand its rise. People trust the voice that brings them plenty. During Cold War 1, Pravda was the voice of sawdust sausage, the gulag and the KGB. The BBC was London buses, miniskirts and American supermarkets.
The media was once the song of whiskey, democracy, sexy. Then at some point it became the screech of diversity, equity and inclusion; the drone of degrowth, global warming and self hatred. It became the voice not of plenty but poverty. People stopped believing.
Ask yourself: is it really your idea of a good time to watch blank faced faced octogenarians stumble around a stage? Watch obese transvestites caper in the spotlight? We signed up for a future of flying cars and space babes, not to eat bug salad under a creaking windmill.
But what really drove most out of the tent was the sheer mendacity of people on TV. They lied repeatedly to our face and threatened those who would not believe their lies, forgetting that even a dog knows the difference between the hand of plenty and scabrous hand of deceit.
So to those fact checkers who would exclaim “why don’t you believe? Why don’t you obey?”, the kindest answer is why don’t you just dry up and leave us alone?

The Star Tribune only cared about the Trump assassination when they thought they could call it “staged” or blame it on a Republican. 

3 thoughts on “De-Origin Story

  1. Let’s not forget who owns the Strib, “Republican” Glen Taylor.

    It is why I’m a Trump fan and why I will vote for him even after I die. He is driving the RINO’s toward their natural home – in the DFL.

  2. Greg;
    Yea and he hired Steve Grove, a former Klink bobo and his Board is a veritable who’s who of left wing party apparatchiks.

  3. Funny they mention sawdust sausage–that was one of the things Upton Sinclair mentioned in “The Jungle” as the consequence of capitalism. Ironic that in reality, it was much more widespread under socialism–but it follows from the economics, of course.

    Regarding the media, what’s being said, really, is that people have an innate sense of what is right and what is not, and even without knowing why, they take action on it. You have some who suppress that knowledge, yes, but most of us have at least a portion of this down.

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