Tea Leaves

Two observations.

First:  Is this:

Courtesy Senator Mitchell’s Twitter account

…the cringiest photo you’ve seen since that collection of seventies family photos you got tricked into looking at?

Second:  She’s got no intention of leaving office, does she?

She’s got a plea deal in the work with some sympathetic prosecutor, she’ll plead down to “disorderly conduct” – really, no worse than Matt Wolgamott/Brion Curran/Dave Hutchinson/Julie Blaha driving drunk!  Maybe even less! – and ride the issue out, and stay in office, until she gets a sinecure at some state agency – like, the state sentencing board, just to add hilarious insult to injury. 

Any bets against?

3 thoughts on “Tea Leaves

  1. That’s a sucker bet. I’ll take it and bet you she will be running for guvenor when Klink accepts veep spot.

  2. Frankly, I’d be surprised if the prosecutor offered a plea deal. They have a high profile, slam dunk case. Prosecutors like these type of cases.

  3. Duke,
    Of course, it depends on the political affiliation of the prosecutor, but if the step mother’s lawyer can argue her statements after the crime was committed, that she’s scared of Mitchell. Said lawyer should also press home the fact that Mitchell was dressed in black and was caught in step mom’s bedroom. IMO, Mitchell intended to do harm to step mom.

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