I’m Pouncing

How It Went:   Governor Klink – in his “regular Joe” costume – claims credit for coining the “Weird” thing, the little playground chant that the Democrats apparently think is a political strategery

How It’s Going:  Wearing his “governor” costumer on Anderson Cooper, he’s dogpaddling away from the, er, phrase he claimed credit for it. 

And not only did I “bring the receipts”, as the kids are saying, but so did the entire mainstream media:

Huh.  Wonder why?

Any reason other than “he’s a mental lightweight with a thin skin who can’t articulate anything outiside an echo chamber, and has never faced any concerted opposition in his life”, I mean?

3 thoughts on “I’m Pouncing

  1. Very good, Mitch. That made me chuckle. And then I remembered that it won’t make the slightest difference to his usual voters.

  2. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 08.02.24 : The Other McCain

  3. has never faced any concerted opposition in his life

    The one real close race he endured in his U.S. House elections (in 2016 he beat Jim Hagedorn by 0.8%) caused him to run for governor of MN the next election cycle.

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