
When you listen to Twin Cities mainstream media people talk amongst themselves – especially the print hacks – something “weird” emerges.

They admire the late Nick Coleman.

The guy who taught all of us bloggers, 10-20 years ago, that boundless smug entitlement, arrogance, and clubby paternalism masquerading as “life experience” didn’t necessarily equal credibility. 

I should’ve screenshot all the examples over the years of Twin Cities media people paying dutiful homage to the greatness that was, er, Nick Coleman. 

As to the article former Strib op-ed-monger-masquerading-as-a-“reporter” Reinan points to, by the pointless Jennifer Brooks?  There was a time I’d have fisked it – gone through it point by point, just like Brian Ward or Scott Johnson tearing yet another leaden, lumpen Coleman screed to factual shreds. 

But my heart’s not in it.  When you’ve seen one lumpen, leaden, agenda-driven hatchet job, you’ve seen them all, really. 

One thought on “Ozymandias

  1. This “weird” thing is so obvious that I even understand.

    I mean, it’s clearly a behind-the-scenes electoral tactic dreamt up by backroom people and then propagated, journo-list like, to all the DemoCommie politicians and media to be broadcast far and wide. But that’s not all. When “the enemy” responds, even with nothing so much as a “huh?”, the scripted follow-up is “wow! that really bothers you! It’s really gotten under your skin, huh?”. And then – think about it – the fact that Republicans are described as annoyed or even angry about this, is characterized as a victory of some sort? This is so lame.

    It calls out to be an Avery Liberal dialog.

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