Chanting Points Memo: Little Robots Full Of Ticky-Tack

Remember “Journo-list?”  The top-secret, hush-hush chat room for “journalists” from fifteen years ago? 

If you don’t remember, that’s OK, because:

a) This bit here summarizes and parodies it pretty aptly, and

b) There’s no need to remember, because it’s happening today, again.

This time, it’s about the term “weird”. 

Every Democrat and media (ptr) figure has suddenly started using it.


This is intended to go viral among the clubby environs of local blue-city media – in this case, the Star-Tribune’s – what’s a good adjective – pointless Jennifer Brooks, whose column about the issue…:

“Melts Down?” Hey, we found where the “Dump Bachmann” people went when they molted!

…shows us what happened to those people who were writing all those “FIX INDIGESTION WITH THIS ONE WEIRD [!!!] TRICK” copywriters from ten years ago.

Did I say “clubby”?

We’ll unpack that statement in another post.

This is, of course, a classic instance of Berg’s Seventh Law .  They’re calling Republicans “weird” to deflect away from their very, very weird – no, bizarre – presidential candidate, at the head of a party that believes a lot of things that go way beyond “weird”. 

Once you understand that…

6 thoughts on “Chanting Points Memo: Little Robots Full Of Ticky-Tack

  1. Libturds are projecting their own weirdness. They are so bereft of ideas they have to clamp onto anything and everything normies say and do.

  2. You saying he lacks gravitas?

    That was the first time I noticed it. A word none of the talking heads knew yesterday was on everybody’s lips today. It was so obviously coordinated.

    When mass media was invented they did not have news anchors. They had “news readers.” There was no pretense of individual expertise. No implication of independent reporting. He read you the news that was handed to him. You decided how much of it to believe. We should go back to that title.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 07.31.24 (Evening Edition) : The Other McCain

  4. People who want to cut the breasts off hysterical little girls probably shouldn’t be using the word “weird”.

  5. People who want to administer mastectomies to minors with healthy breasts are not weird. They are sick. There is a difference.

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