His True Color Is Red

Socialism:   A system that has murdered 100 million people in the past century?

Or just another term for “Minnesota Nice?”

Governor Walz:

Klink, of course, has been practicing the rookie-league Beria handbook for years:

  • Snitch Lines
  • “Badthink” databases
  • The relentless sorting and name-calling

Of course, Walz serves as governor solely at the sufference of the metro DFL establishment, which is increasingly dominated by actual socialists. He is nothing but their “moderate” beard.

But given Kamala Harris’s radicalism, will that be enough to get on the ticket?

12 thoughts on “His True Color Is Red

  1. Being a good neighbor, apparently, means you send them to the gulag or rice paddy? Count me glad that my neighbors are so “s*****y” in comparison!

  2. My neighbor to the north really likes the new lawn mower I dropped off at his house. My neighbor to the south, who I took it from, not so much.

  3. The Carleton/Macalester brand of socialist will throw Scandinavian brand government at you and expect you will believe that is socialism. But it isn’t, never has been.

  4. I dunno, Wally seems to be totally without principles. Left, more left, whatever… just tell him what’ll get him the most votes and he’ll do it.

  5. Something I have noticed over the years, socialists tend to be social.

    They love committees. They form groups. They socialize. They hang-out together. They party early in life, and having fewer kids, they party throughout life. They flock to schools, charitable groups, NGO’s, academia and the arts.

    And above all: social media.

    Being social is their super-power.

    It keeps their hive-mind together.

  6. Kammi needs a VP candidate who makes her look smart.

    That’s the cue for Timmy . . . .

  7. Greg;
    Funny, though. Conservatives give far more to legitimate charities than DemoCommies, by a significant margin. In fact, leftists would rather donate to one of their candidates than a charity that actually does something good.

  8. boss,

    I agree that conservatives give more to charities, that has been backed up by multiple studies, my observation is that the left is more personally social.

    I look at my parents generation and recall how social they were: church, the Legion, VFW, Eagles – lots of clubs, lots of activities. Those things are, sadly, fading away.

    Woke is a mind-virus, a social contagion – but it needs social paths to travel along. I think that explains a lot.

  9. Woke is peer pressure, pure and simple. You can’t sit at the Kook Kids table unless they let you, and they’re not letting any icky weirdos sit with them. Agree with their opinions of the moment, or be banished.

    If you don’t interact with your peers, they can’t pressure you or banish you. I can’t be banned from Facebook or Tik Tok because I refuse to join, under the old Groucho Marx maxim that I don’t want to belong to any group that would accept me as a member.

    By the way, it works on putative Conservatives, as well. There’s a reason writers like John Derbyshire, Mark Steyn, and Sam Francis were booted from National Review and never get invited to speak to Hinderocker’s outfit in Minneapolis. RINOs are just as capable of being Mean Girls as Democrats. They just write stern letters to different media outlets complaining about the icky people.

  10. I can’t be banned from Facebook or Tik Tok because I refuse to join, under the old Groucho Marx maxim that I don’t want to belong to any group that would accept me as a member.


    If the left controls the groups and conservatives refuse to participate, that leaves the left in charge. It is how they came to dominate the culture.

    There are only two alternatives: either fight for control of the groups or start your own. The problem is, too many conservatives simply withdraw into themselves and pout their lives away in loneliness.

    A losing strategy if there ever was one.

  11. jdm;
    Yea, it doesn’t sound like the other Governors on the DemoCommie’s A- list, want to be tied to a descendant of slave owners. They didn’t have a B or C list, so hence, Kommandant Klink on the D list.
    But, I’m sure idiots like Whitmer, Brown or Shapiro, are privately saying; “can’t leave my state, because I’m not done destroying it yet”. Klink already screwed us, so he wants to get outta Dodge before the peasants come after him with torches and pitchforks.

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