Whores, Cretins, Charlatans. OK!

No matter how much you hate the mainstream media, you don’t hate them enough.

“Even the local ones?”

Especially the local ones:

I mean, it’s still right there online, for feck’s sake:

The theory is, democracy can not survive without an indepdendent media.

I’m starting to think that’s the point.

4 thoughts on “Whores, Cretins, Charlatans. OK!

  1. To be fair, they didn’t say she didn’t promote or support the MFF, only that she didn’t donate to it.

    A very likely possibility considering that liberals don’t generally donate their own money to causes they support, they advocate for confiscating other people’s money to finance causes they support.

  2. I bet SC is correct. Kam did not personally donate to the fund to release dangerous criminals so Trump’s accusation is false.

    She simply used her celebrity status and public office to encourage Other people to donate to the fund to release dangerous criminals. That’s completely different.

    It’s annoying enough that the media will lie to cover for Democrats without giving them ammunition to correctly portray us as liars.

  3. We might say,per John’s comment, that we know she promoted it, but we do not have actual receipts that show she donated to it in a financial way. Given the characteristic stinginess of the left, I wouldn’t be surprised if Harris’s contribution was just verbiage.

    But that’s bad enough.

  4. I’d be surprised if the Minnesota Freedom Fund has to publish their donor list, and if that’s true, then the claim is unverifiable, not false. Either way, an honest fact check would include Harris’ tweet of support.
    You have to remember, CBS is part of the same MSM that broadcasts Molly Jong-Fast and her slander that Vance only wants white kids born in the US. The man has biracial children FFS.

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