Hey, Look – Governor Klink Is Wearing His “Regular Joe” Costume

How it went, 16 days ago:

How it’s going:

So it seems there was a brief moment when DFLers thought actions had consequences. 

Oh, so brief.

Someone wanna explain how this isn’t a call to more violence?

5 thoughts on “Hey, Look – Governor Klink Is Wearing His “Regular Joe” Costume

  1. So Walz is an insincere bastard? Careful, you’re gonna crush Esme Murphy’s worldview.

  2. Maybe Timmy is having the same problem Joe has been having the last few years. He keeps forgetting what he just said.

    How long will it be before the DFL has to cart him around on a two-wheeled dolly like they did for Mark Dayton?

  3. Greg;
    Kommandant Klink has followed the instructions from his senior party apparatchiks and his propaganda machine in the media to keep repeating the same lies. This is focused on the lazy, low information voters that vote for DemoCommies like robots.

  4. Walz’s inconsistency, judging by his comments about “hillbillies” in the plains country of Chadron, Nebraska, is simply that he’s a habitual liar, wanting to pretend he knows a lot of things that he really has no clue about.

  5. I liked Walter Hudson’s response when the Democrats lamented the “temperature” of the political discourse. To paraphrase, he said, “We don’t believe you and we won’t believe you until you stop encouraging violence with your rhetoric.”

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