Springing Back From The Memory Hole

To:  Governor Tim “Wilhelm Klink” Walz
From:  Mitch Berg, former Rock, Cow
Re:  Your Heardland Credentials

Governor Klink, putatively a Veep candidate – is burnishing his “heartland” creds:

You know what it’s really not about?

Calling most of “your” state “nothing but rocks and cows”.   We’re really not about that. 

In theory, we’re not into being something different today than you were yesterday which was different than 2006…:


One thing you do still have is your “badthink” databvase. I bet I’m on it.

That is all.

8 thoughts on “Springing Back From The Memory Hole

  1. Has anyone actually seen Tim Walz in person?

    Not to be a conspiracy theorist here, but how do we know he really exists?

    Would it not be more probably to believe that he is little more than an AI creation based on a cartoon stereotype of a political buffoon who spews forth bureaucratic word-salad?

    I mean after hiding a demented old man in the basement of the White House for four years, the Democrats have done worse.

    And remember them pushing Mark Dayton around on a two-wheeled cart?

  2. Greg, I have never seen Walz in person, but Mel Brooks did a nice job of playing him in Blazing Saddles. Walz definitely demands harrumphs.

  3. What about Betty McCollum? Has anybody seen proof of life for her,?

    On second thought, if a Democrat can be elected by dead people can she continue to serve as a dead person whose house votes are cast by staffers? 🤔

  4. Mr. D., that would make Peggy Flanagan a spectacularly unattractive Miss Stein….

    Regarding Walz’s comments, lots of bluster, but he needs to remember that his neighbors from Chadron, where he grew up, were not “hillbillies” by any stretch of the imagination. For starters, not many hills there, and anyone who aspires to national prominence ought to know the cultural differences between rural Nebraskans and hillbillies of Appalachia and the South. That was lying grandstanding at its best….

  5. Bigman,
    My favorite Betty candid moment is when she got interviewed by a local station during a random “man on the street” interview in a coffee shop, and it wasn’t staged. Nobody actually knows who she is in town. She’s just the “D” on the ballot.

  6. I’d like to hear Walz explain what happened to the 60,000 dead bodies he had to stash in the cooler during the pandemic. Was the morgue more infrastructure? And what bridges, exactly, did Joe and Kamala build?

  7. Sure hope this is on the list of Items-Soon-To-Be-Posted. ‘CCO joins in on the attempts to erase Kamala’s history, it doesn’t go well (with a special report from The Forehead herself).

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