There May Come A Time…

…when the left comes to realize that it was a, er, tactical error to pick people like these as their public face:

But it sure hasn’t been this election cycle.

7 thoughts on “There May Come A Time…

  1. Okay, take a deep breath and think about it.

    It is not crazy or even a little odd to suggest such a thing. After all, considering the fact that the vast majority of her fan base firmly believed, and many still believe to this day, that Donald Trump conspired with Vladimir Putin to cheat Hillary Clinton out of a job to which she was entitled.

  2. The thing that strikes me here is that whether it was the bullet itself, or a shard of glass from the teleprompter or something, we still have a near-assassination of a Presidential candidate due to the Secret Service failing to establish and enforce a reasonable perimeter. This is a big deal.

    Really, if Joy Reid cannot process this reality, she needs to get herself to a qualified psychiatrist and get that organ between her ears checked out. The two categories I can think of here are that she is either mentally incapable, or evil.

  3. Democrat strategists are putting their heads together, thinking, “What we need is a really big funeral that we can turn into a second convention! That’ll do the trick! Who can we kill?”

    As for Hillary “My Turn” Clinton, her election was stolen by Barack Obama.

  4. bikebubba: Stop invoking Hanlon’s razor. It’s time to start applying the term “malice” to where it belongs. It’s been more than a decade since it was made plainly apparent to me that this is far beyond the ramifications of mere ignorance.

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