Thousand Points Of Glass

SCENE:  Mitch BERG is trimming weeds while listening to “Office Ladies” on headphones.  He doesn’t notice Avery LIBRELLE has come up the sidewalk, looking for evidence of herbicide use.


BERG:  (Oblivious)

LIBRELLE:  The so-called “assassination attempt” was pretty much a fake.

BERG:  (No response, as he continues to listen to his podcast)

LIBRELLE:  It looks like his ear was cut by a piece of glass!  What a drama queen!

BERG:  (Nothin’)

GUY RIDING PAST ON BIKE:  So what do you think it was that accelerated this supposed piece of glass to a speed capable of taking a chunk out of the President’s ear?


GUY TRIMMING HEDGES DOWN THE BLOCK:  Maybe the kids from Slytherin playing around with their wands again?


BUS DRIVER (Picking up the woman across the street):  Couldn’t have possibly been a bullet aimed at the candidate’s head, could it?

LIBRELLE:  (Looks around, sheepishly slinks away as BERG continues along, undisturbed)


9 thoughts on “Thousand Points Of Glass

  1. There was a noise, probably a firecracker. Trump intentionally faked a fall, sliced his own ear with a piece of glass he had palmed before the speech, wiped a little blood on his face, then stood up raised fist shouting Fight to incite another insurrection. His accomplices planted a dead body on a roof to make it LOOK like an assassination, to gain sympathy votes because he is losing the election so badly.

    Supporting evidence… the Secret Service never searched the stage for glass did they? Huh, did they? Well there you go. Just as fake as the moon landing.

  2. Mr Jones, does your theory cover the dead fireman and two wounded

    Darren Beattie @ asks
    The question isn’t just how in the hell that roof 150 yards away from Trump was unguarded

    The question is also how this gunman knew that it was unguarded

  3. Dead fireman? Easy. He’s an Accomplice too.

    Firemen get into all kinds of burning chemicals, high cancer rate. He agreed to sacrifice himself so his family would get the million dollar payoff from GoFundMe. Probably not shot at all, probably a suicide pill swallowed when he saw Trump take a dive, blood faked by other accomplices. The doctors and paramedics are obviously in on it. Money talks.

    Look, there are only three possibilities: fake event, appallingly incompetent security, or a 20 year old dimwit outsmarted everybody and came within half an inch of killing the Real President who was saved only by the grace of God. Plainly, option one is the obvious choice.

  4. The thing that bugs me most about this is that it appears that authorities had a LOT of warning that something was amiss there, and didn’t do anything. As a result, a fireman is dead, two other innocents are in the hospital with critical injuries, and a troubled young man is in the morgue instead of getting the help he needed.

    And it’s especially appalling that the Secret Service actually claimed that they couldn’t go on that roof because it was sloped, which of course comes as news to the class of tradesmen called “roofers”, who have been doing exactly that on far steeper roofs for centuries. To me, that bald-faced lie from the pit of H*** tells me that an independent investigator needs to get access to every bit of planning the Secret Service did for this.

  5. A despicable friend of a friend, (she’s my girlfriends neighbor but we’ve all done lots together for past 3 yrs) whom my galfriend said is a very lefty person even though she lives more like a conservative (like most of the DFLeftists). Anywho said Galfriend of mine tells me that ‘Gina’ came over the night of the assassination attempt and said to my gal, ‘too bad they missed’. My gal was not impressed and I am incensed and will never respect this pos ever again. What a fogging piece of sheet.

  6. cosmicwxdude, there’s a Trump meme that states “They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just standing in the way.” Kinda crystallizes what ‘Gina’ really meant… Deniable intimidation, in a nutshell.

  7. Bigman you’re almost right. YES, it was staged but Corey had a change of heart and told Trump he would make it look like he died (fake blood etc) but he wanted a new identity and a new life out of all of it. He’s happy his family has the GoFundMe account and he is now living in Costa Rica. i can’t divulge any more info on this opp but trust me.

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