
There are better people to comment on the ups and downs of JD Vance’s selection for Veep.

He’s got my paleocon friends riled up, and the left are certainly in a lather (which they’d have been no matter who Trump picked, so no matter).

But I’ll say this:

Vance is going to bludgeon Harris in a debate.

6 thoughts on “Vance

  1. I’m not even going to pop any popcorn, because I think that debate will be over within 20 minutes. Once the San Francisco hoe starts answering with her typical word salads, she’ll be done.

  2. I doubt the media will allow her to look bad. I suspect they’ll help her as much as they can.

    Moderator: “Vice President Harris, let’s move to next question.”

    Harris: “Is that the sixth one you gave me before this debate, or the seventh?”

    Moderator: “The sixth. What is your plan for dealing with the incorrect public perception that the economy is faltering under the Biden administration?”

    Harris: Gobbledegook.

    Moderator: “So what you’re saying is, you intend to continue to work hard on behalf of working Americans to reverse the terrible economy left you by Donald Trump?”

  3. The left and the new media will spin it this way: You can’t disagree with her because you’re a racist. Whatever he says, however he looks at her during the debate will be proof positive that the guy is a total racist, homophobe, islamofacist Hitler.

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