Hold That Metaphor!

Sometimes the jokes write themselves.

Sometimes, it’s the metaphors that ring themselves into existence.

But in this rare, glorious moment…

…the best joke and metaphor about the Biden years has come to us.

Really, for all of progressive “liberalism”. The pier was built as a campaign gimmick to appeal to low information voters with little critical thinking skills and much emotional self-righteousness, ignoring the fact that Israel was already sending more food to Gaza than before October 7, and it was all being stolen.

But we have to dooooooooooooooooooo something…

5 thoughts on “Hold That Metaphor!

  1. ” The pier was built as a campaign gimmick to appeal …”

    who needs campaign contributions when you can just tap into the US Treasury (or more accurately the US Line of Credit)

  2. the pier will end up being salvaged in the Port of Mersin Turkey or even more likely in the Port of Beirut Lebannon

  3. This plan clearly resulted from a series of 30 person, 8 hour meetings whose primary goal was consensus.

  4. Status quo for the administration that abandoned untold amount of military equipment in Afghanistan.

  5. Well, yea! The deep state already transferred all of the food, weapons and ammunition to Hamas, so they don’t need it anymore.

    Scott Hughes;
    On KTLK this morning, retired Marine Corps Major Fred Galvin was a guest talking about the betrayal by James Mattis and Patraeus regarding an ambush by Taliban in Afghanistan. He detailed it in a book “A Few Bad Men”. Mattis works for General Dynamics and several other general officers work for other military industrial complex companies. All of that gear had to be replaced. That should tell you all you need to know!

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