
From the “go figure” department:

I’m tempted so retort “WHAT? The party of Harry Sisson, Will Stancil, the Krassenstein Brothers, John Fugelsang, David Hogg? The party where Leah Finke is more jacked than any male DFL legislator or staffer?”

But I’ll hold back the “soy boi” references – because to say there are no masculine “progressive” men today ignores great examples like Judd Hoff and (allegedly) Jason Metsa.

5 thoughts on “Dated

  1. This cracks me up, but it’s no surprise.

    A few years ago, (before Trump) a friend of mine, being in his mid 50s, joined a couple of dating sites for seniors. He was matched up, twice, with libidiot women. Three, what he called “excellent ”dates with the first one, who was his age. On date four, they got around to politics. After he told her he was GOP, her demeanor completely changed and she declared that she can’t be in a relationship with a conservative. My friend asked if she realized that she is eliminating at least half of the men that might be potential partners. She paused, then replied, “I guess you’re right, but right now, I can’t do it.”

    Second one, one year older than him, happened on second date. She was silent the whole way home. When they arrived at her house, he was getting out to open her door and walk her to her door, she told him not to bother. She got out and slammed his door shut. Her parting words to him were, “please don’t contact me again.”

  2. HA Boss, and these are the same people who chant about tolerance, acceptance, inclusivity and diversity. All meaningless platitudes. Your friend dodged some bullets.

  3. escapefromstl has it exactly correct. Usually libs/progs are the most vehemently, angrily intolerant people when it comes to political ideologies. There are thousands of videos out there from various protests, “Occupy _______”, pro-Palestine encampments, and other left/right interactions demonstrating this fact. The 2020 summer celebrations of St Floyd of Fentanyl are the perfect example.

    When you live life ruled by emotion instead of trying to be based in logic and reason…….

  4. Weird. The men who will take care of a woman themselves happen to be men who will take care of other things themselves, too. And even more weirdly, they’ll be the kind of weirdoes who will take care of themselves physically, economically, and more instead of sitting around whining about why the government hasn’t given them everything they want.

    I mean, who would go for a guy who has his poop in a group over a milquetoast?

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