The Deal

Governor Klink’s various vacations from the truth are adding up.

“I’m a proud gun owner!”

“One Minnesota!”

“Minnesota will suffer 74,000 dead in the next three months unless I assume emergency powers – which will lead to a best case of 20,000 dead by then. And no, I will not show you my math”.

“Every Minnesotan (in an income quintile most likely to vote for me) will get $1,000 of the surplus back!”

“We need to reward the frontline workers!”

“We’re feeding hungry kids”

“We’ve got the most trustworthy election system in the country”.

And now:

I wonder what they promised him?

4 thoughts on “The Deal

  1. At least Biden meets the minimum constitutional requirements for President. He is more than 35 years old and can prove he was born in the United States which is more then we can say about a certain recent President.

    And Biden cannot be convicted in a kangaroo court because he is too old and senile, unlike the other major candidate. A double win!

  2. Didn’t the Mafia have a concept of the “made man” for someone fully initiated? With that suit, that respectful look from NY’s Gov Hawk-Tuah, him leading that meeting… I’m thinking our little Wally is a DemoCommie made man. Kinda brings a tear to the eye.

  3. You don’t have to look hard to notice the giant hand up Walz’s ass that makes his arms wave and lips move.

  4. Of course we poke fun at Walz and the Democrats but to be truthful we have a lot to thank them for.

    Starting today and continuing this weekend will be the annual massive influx of crippled homeless refugees from Wisconsin, where they are allowed to have firecrackers which can blow your fingers off and Roman candles with can set your roof on fire.

    Be especially careful if driving on the bridges by Duluth, Lindstrom, Stillwater, Hudson, Hastings or LaCrescent, as refugees blinded by a bottle rockets may be stumbling to the refugee camps on our side of the line.

    Yes we have much to thank our wise and benevolent leaders for not the least of which is recreational marijuana so even though we don’t have any fireworks to see in real life we can imagine them.

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