
So the Strib is on the news like a Grateful Dead fan on that last bag of Fritos:

“Democrats in Minnesota and US ignored voter concerns about Biden’s age”.

That, they did.



…isn’t there something missing?

Like, maybe the Star Tribune?

MPR News?

The Four, the Five, the Nine and the Eleven?

Did they not spend the last fuve years studiously ignoring Biden’s age, or attacking the messengers? “Fact-checking” any claims that an 81-year-old Biden wasn’t more physically imposing than a 40 year old Chuck Norris? Clobbering Big Blue at chess, while teaching a legion of celebrity chefs how it’s done in his spare time?

And this is nothing new. There’s a very long list of stories the media did their darnedest to squash, deplatform or defame until it was politically impossible to carry on – after which, straight out of Orwell, they abruptly reversed course?

  • Biden’s cognitive state
  • Russian collusion
  • The Charlottesville “Perfectly fine people” slander
  • The psychological, legal, social and economic effects of the Covid lockdowns/
  • Long term effects of “gender affirming care” (that one’s still in progress)
  • Everything to do with the Steele Dossier
  • Russian bounties for US soldiers in Afghanistan
  • “Drink Bleach”
  • The Ivermectin story
  • The cops “Tear-gassed protesters” before a Trump photo op
  • Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”
  • Trump called the dead of D-Day “losers”
  • Putting unaccompanied children in cages along the border was Obama policy
  • Eastern Europe was going to be an economic failure after the collapse of communism
  • Reagan had nothing to do with the fall of the USSR
  • Walter Duranty deserved a Pulitzer

There’s more. Leave additions in the comments.

Someone – I think it was Ayaan Hirsi Ali – said “don’t judge the Muslims you know by what Islam is, and don’t judge Islam according to the Muslims you know”.

I think that goes for MSM “journalists” as well. Some (Tom Hauser, Fred Melo) do a good, diligent job. But the media (as we showed them admitting almost eight years ago) not only don’t, but have no intention to .

10 thoughts on “Sanitized

  1. You know, it wasn’t really a concern about Biden’s age. It was about his cognitive faculties. Age related perhaps, but not exclusively. Trump is only three years younger and he acts more on the ball now than Biden did even three years ago.

    Remember Biden spent most of the 2020 campaign hidden away. Now why would that be?

    Also, I don’t remember many if any of those items mentioned above where the media owned up or even apologized for lying.

  2. Yea, Fox 9 pretty much cancelled Tom Lyden after he exposed Ilhan Omar for the conniving, incestuous, grifter that she is. After that, I don’t think he had any stories allowed, despite the fact that he also exposed and tracked the Minnesota to the sand box jihadists pipeline, that got exposure on the national news. He was also an openly gay, married man, yet they threw him under the bus, causing Tom to leave the station. I guess that Jana Shortal’s idiocy was better, because she ended up getting a better gig as KARE 11’s token lesbian.

  3. Shortal certainly toes the party line better than Lyden did.

    Oh, who are we kidding? I’d be amazed if Shortal isn’t shopping an audition for a show on MSNBC or CNN, for the day when Rachel Maddow just isn’t Maddowy enough.

  4. Ok so we know he is exhibiting dementia. Under MN “Red Flag Rules” am I required to report President Biden as having dementia and in possession of the nuclear missile codes?

  5. Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd using a banned restraining technique. Floyd did not die of a fentanyl overdose.

  6. And Epstein killed himself, and we only have five years to stop global warming, and Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, and . . .

  7. Hauser got a bit defensive last week when filling in for Soucheray. I’m tempted send him a Twitter response, but he admits to pretty much ignoring those types of critiques and sometimes blocking the critic.
    While Tom was correct that the headlines he read off On Air are negative to both candidates, what he’s missing is that the types of negativity are not similar.
    “Trump Lied 30+ times. Biden Mumbled” (or something to that effect)
    The different types of criticism still show the bias of the reporters and headline writers, especially when BOTH candidates could’ve been fact-checked and given Pinocchios. Biden lied throughout the Debate, just like he’s been lying about his record of accomplishments for decades, but that headline is not only meant to deflect from Biden’s lack truth, but it’s also designed to deflect from Biden’s mental infirmity by trying to get you to focus on Trump’s greater sin of lying 30+ times.

  8. Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd using a banned restraining technique. Floyd did not die of a fentanyl overdose.

    That’s if you believe the coroner that was hired by the Floyd family and ignore the report of the HennCo medical examiner. And that hold wasn’t banned until AFTER Floyd died.

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