America Takes A Six Month “Lid”

We were told that Joe Biden is so on top of things, he can type in different languages on different iPhones at the same time.

Remember this?

The most credible people ever – dare I say, our “best and brightest” – assured us that Joe Biden at 82 is like Chuck Norris at 40:

And then came Thursday night:

And it took about four hours for all of that “Joe Biden is a modern titan!” to vanish down the memory hole:

Bear in mind, that the Democrat establishment is panicked about their candidate’s electoral viability.

Not the fact that he’s the guy with “the football”.

Not the fact that America’s enemies, who’ve been feasting on America’s diminishing potency, have got to be looking at the fact that America is led by a senile man, his power-mad Edith Wilson-style wife, and a coterie of useless Ivy League political staffers and grifters, and seeing that the shelf date might just end in 2025, not 2029. And maybe planning accordingly:

U.S. military bases in Europe were put on a heightened state of alert over the weekend as installations urged vigilance among their members. At U.S. European Command headquarters in Stuttgart, the Army garrison on Sunday issued a communitywide alert that the force protection threat level was elevated to condition “Charlie” until further notice. Similar directives were sent to other bases in Germany, including the Army’s Rheinland-Pfalz and Ramstein Air Base, which together form the largest U.S. military community overseas. The Rheinland-Pfalz garrison alert includes Baumholder and outlying installations in Romania and Bulgaria. Aviano Air Base in Italy also rose its condition level to Charlie, and other installations in Italy introduced enhanced security measures. The Charlie threat level “applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely,” according to the Army’s website.

Read more at:
Source – Stars and Stripes

I have a sneaking suspicion Iran and its proxies, and Red China and theirs, are seeing a six month opening to make hummus or kimchi while the sun shines on a world where the keepers of Pax Americana have taken an ice cream break.

Some are saying “I told you so”:

And they – we – are right, because that same media that ran interference and told us not to believe our lying eyes, is trying to gaslight us in the other direction:

So what options do they have?

Pulling the plug on Biden may not be as simple as just having him step aside, even if he releases the 99% of the convention delegates currently committed to him:

That brings us back to [Bill Maher’s proposal, in the post linked] of simply handing the nomination to the nearest white male while overlooking Biden’s current running mate, the black woman Biden selected to be the next in line. The center-Left part of the party might — might — go along with that idea out of desperation. The progressive Left, as Matthews astutely points out, would go into an utter meltdown. Harris’ allies don’t want to win by giving up any power at all. 

And in a real sense, they’d be correct to oppose it. Harris may not have been on the primary ballots this year, but Biden won 99% of the delegates with Harris explicitly remaining on the ticket. Newsom never even bothered to enter the race. If Biden pulls out, those delegates may be released in a legal sense, but Harris and her progressive allies have a very good argument that primary voters endorsed her as well as Biden. And you’d better believe that the same progressives that are conducting Occupy operations on college campuses and highways to support radical jihadi terrorists in Gaza will show up in much more force if Democrats pull a back-room switcheroo that leaves Harris without a seat when the music ends. 

And you’d better believe the center-Left knows it, too…having anointed her as capable of being One Heartbeat Away in not one but two presidential cycles now, Democrats can’t just toss her into the garbage now. How do they explain her being competent enough to be Biden’s backup but not to run in his place?

Long story short – the Dems may have no choice but to triple down on gaslighting the public. They can count on it working with 33% of the population, anyway.

7 thoughts on “America Takes A Six Month “Lid”

  1. They can’t switch candidates now, there isn’t time to mark enough absentee ballots with the new person’s name to drag him/her/they/it over the finish line.

    If the election comes down to counting legitimately cast, honestly counted ballots, the voters might actually choose The Bad Orange Man.

    The fix is in – and the fix will simply have to stay in – to protect Our Precious Democracy. It’s the only way to save the nation.

  2. The Babylon Bee is reporting Media Apologizes For Briefly Reporting The Truth About Biden Last Week.

    Also, Mr Jones and Babylon Bee are on the same page, Dems Stick With Biden As It Would Be A Real Pain To Reprint These Ballots They Already Filled Out. Great minds and all.

  3. If anyone had any doubts about the gaslighting by our media, these are the latest lies about Biden’s performance.

    NY Slimes – “Biden Did Bad at the Debate, Because of His Makeup Artists”.
    Politico – “Biden Did Poorly Because He Over Prepared”. Would anyone accept this excuse from their child after they failed a test?
    Axios- “The debate was held too late. Biden is great between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.” Hmmm. This is a classic indicator of dementia. And, I’m sure that our enemies are happy to know when it would good to launch an attack against the U.S. using all of their military men that are currently in the country! Thanks Pedo Pete!
    And, still others, including deranged Keith Olbermann, have blamed CNN, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper for not being tough enough on Trump. Olbermann says CNN should be burned down.

  4. Hearing liberals insist Biden is competent reminds me of the Emerson line: “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”

  5. The stupidity of the Biden apologists keeps getting worse!
    Now, Kommandant Klink is saying the Biden had to take a pause from debate prep, to call him about the flooding! You just can’t make this crap up! Oh. Wait. The DemoCommies do it all the time.

  6. Maybe if Amy would brush the hair out of her eyes, she could see what the rest of us see.

  7. Hey, they didn’t see Obama’s obvious corruption and radicalism, they never saw that Biden wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, they never saw that Clinton was quite the rogue….

    At a certain point, it becomes impractical to continue to invoke Hanlon’s Razor because incompetence is not a sufficient explanation.

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