Squad: Scratch One

Jamaal Bowman, perhaps the dumbest member of a dumb “Squad”, is on his way to his non-profit reward:

Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., suffered a primary defeat Tuesday to a moderate challenger who was backed by pro-Israel groups, NBC News projected, following a bitter and expensive race that exposed the party’s divisions over the war in Gaza.

The race between Bowman and Westchester County Executive George Latimer in New York’s 16th District drew more ad spending — $25 million, according to the ad tracking firm AdImpact — than any other House primary in history. Nearly $15 million of that spending came from the United Democracy Project, a super PAC linked to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful pro-Israel lobby, which backed Latimer.

With 84% of the vote in as of Wednesday morning, Latimer led Bowman by a wide margin, 58.4% to 41.6%.

Don’t get too excited – Bowman “represents” (for now) a very Jewish district. His approach to the Gaza war may have been the most tone deaf in history.

Still, it’s good to see him gone.

6 thoughts on “Squad: Scratch One

  1. The House should give him a commemorative fire alarm as a going-away present. Too bad he couldn’t find one for his whole district when the reelection voting started.

  2. I think that I would have been more excited to see AOC get her dumb butt kicked, but she retained her spot.

    On the other hand, moron Cori Bush may be the next one to get bounced.

    Sadly, another race pimp is waiting in the wings. Jasmine Crockett from Texas, would replace or exceed the stupidity of either one of them.

  3. So Jews bought an election, is that the media’s claim here? “It’s all about the Benjamins?”

    I wonder where Ilhan’s money comes from? Contributions from local immigrants working to deliver meals to school children because it’s noble and virtuous to take public money while . . . Feeding Our Future?

  4. Bowman’s concession speech was literally, “You Muslims didn’t do enough to keep me in office.”
    My favorite complaint of his is that the Jews have segregated themselves from the rest of the district and all live together. Considering the Orthodox Jews walk to religious services, there’s a good reason for them to live near their Synagogue. The non Orthodox Jewish population is probably pretty well integrated throughout the District though.

  5. Here’s the thing about replacing Squad Members with more “sane” dems.
    It’ll still be a reliable D vote and less opportunity to mock the Dems for their Buffoonery.
    Put me in the group that thinks it’s best to just keep them in office.

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