Words To Live By

This needs to be said.

Dennis Prager says “everything the left touches, it destroys”. The language is one of those things, and the left’s been actively working on it for decades.

The left has made so many words meaningless:

  • (Toxic) masculinity
  • Fascism
  • Treason
  • Racism (and its meaningless analogue, “anti-racism”.
  • White Supremacy

And, in this campaign, “Democracy” – which has come to mean “everything the Democrat party wants”.

5 thoughts on “Words To Live By

  1. Clever line from Turley and very true (as is the rest of the post), but I’ve kinda moved on. I’m not a conservative nor republican anymore, I’m a reactionary. A right-wing reactionary and the one thing I fear with a possible Trump victory is that most if not all of the DemoCommies who have done their best to sabotage everything that made this country great will get away scot-free.

    None of the DemoCommies behind the 2020 coup d’etat will be punished. Hillary won’t have to wear an orange jump-suit, nor Obama either – a guy might wonder if FJB at that time will even be cognizant. None of Epstein’s clients will be revealed, much less punished as the pedophile criminals they are. Nan will suffer no repercussions from her multiple roles in the J6 kerfuffle. I guarantee (for what that is worth) that not even that corrupt judge Merchan will suffer much other than a resignation (and a full pension)… and so on and so forth.

    You can already see oh-so clever right-wing pundits easing off the pedal. Like Manic Contrarian at Red State warning against wide-spread deportations. Or National Review supporting Gov DeWine of Ohio who wanted to make sure Biden makes it on the ballot there – even tho’ the DNC screwed itself over all by itself. Think any of those antifa criminals and thugs get to go to jail? We’ll be back to not dying on this or that hill while the DemoCommies plot their revenge. Ugh.

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